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Old 12-28-2009, 06:25 PM
x25064's Avatar
Pocket PC: Samsung Omnia i910
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Need experienced help

Hello all. I am going to pick up an Omnia from a friend of mine in exchange for my current phone. This is not my first experience with winmo but I have not had any in-dept time with it either. I am going to need someone to help me out, as I am not familiar with all the basic things that one needs to do in order to get the final product I am looking for.

Here is what I'd like to do to the phone:

Run Manila 2D (essentially make my phone an HTC clone)

Run some kind of screen lock slider, preferably identical to that of the iphone

Install a new keyboard (spb or resco)

My first question before I get into anything else is -- Is this possible to run all of these modifications, or when running Manila is it impossible to run anything else? I have a 2 GB storage card, and the knowhow to install cab files and such. Still details would be much appreciated.

Concerning Manila 2d -- I have read that once installed there is still a hefty amount of tweaking to do, is this still the case, or has most of the tweaking been handled in the newest version? (nuances I've read such as threaded messages being recognized as "read" etc) Also does one need anything preinstalled in order to run it properly? What other tweaks will I need in order to take full advantage of Manila 2d? (commanager etc)

I understand there are stickys and previous information for this sort of topic, but most are written for those with a little more in-depth knowledge of winmo and applications thereof. (for example I do not know what commmanager is etc) So I need someone to just give me a brief rundown as well as cover all of the basic must haves for the Omnia

Thank you all I understand this may be tedious but I appreciate any and all help.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Need experienced help

I don't have much experience with Manilla - I use Mobile Shell - but I did flash to Waremike's 28011 M2D ROM and it works great. I also use S2U2 (Slide to unlock) and works just fine with the ROM. Keyboards should not be an issue either.

If you have experience using cab files, you should be okay. Flashing is a little scary at first, but if you follow the instructions completely and don't unplug your phone in the middle of a flash, you'll be surprised at how easy it is. Good luck!
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