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Old 02-23-2011, 10:34 AM
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Omnia II won't stay "off"

Hi all, got a new issue with the O2. When not connected to power, it doesn't stay "off". Well, for about an hour or two after disconnecting (sometimes less) it work properly. But then I hit the lock button to power down the screen, and within 1-10 seconds it lights up again. Then when it times out and shuts itself off, it lights itself right back up again.

I'm undecided whether this is a hardware or software problem. I wish there was a logfile somewhere that would list the event which caused the device to light up...

I guess my first try will be a factory reset (auggghhhh!!). But then I have to load all of my customizations again. Sigh.

Anybody have any clues or advice??

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2011, 10:16 AM
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Re: Omnia II won't stay "off"

I´m having the same problem from time to time. I´m wondering wether the problem is connected with fully discharged battery. At list this hypothesis fits to my remembering of the circumstances when it happened.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2011, 10:30 AM
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Re: Omnia II won't stay "off"

Just two days ago, my Omnia started behaving normally again. Weird. My phone is company-owned, and they won't give me a new one because the Omnia is out of warranty, and I'm not due for an upgraded from VZ until August. So their option was to give me a used blackberry. I chose to stick with the Omnia, and carry around a portable charging pack until August.

Along the "battery" theory, I have gotten occassional messages about the phone not recognizing the battery and saying it's a third party battery, or something like that. But it's the stock battery from day 1. Maybe if it starts acting up again I'll replace the battery- unless it's really close to August!
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