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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 06:25 PM
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AEButton Plus Options (like having 28 buttons)

The Omnia 2 is the best phone I have ever had, mostly because of 2 things: Custom ROMs from Ninja4Hire and AMDzero and AEButton Plus.

AEBPlus is a free app, but adds Show Actions menu if you pay. (Also stops giving you the occasional nag screen.)

I like buttons for one-handed operation. There aren’t a lot of buttons on the Omnia 2, but AEBplus multiplies most of them times 4.

Just click the square with the “Do not touch Button” and change it to “Handle by AEBPlus”.

You can add any installed programs just by selecting the number of button presses (1, 2, 3, or Long) and selecting #2 Run Application, then browsing for the app you want. Or you can add WM functions, or some AEBPlus functions.

After setting it up the way you want it, copy the AEBPlus.cfg configuration file from Program Files\AEBPlus to your Storage Card. When you flash a new ROM just install to Main Memory, copy/paste over the AEBPlus.cfg file and overwrite.
Or you can try mine, below. Just rename without the .zip, as it is not a zip file. (This configuration will probaby not work too well for other phones.)

I have it configured to give me 6 main button categories: Tools, Tasks, Up, Down, Phone, and End. I wind up with a total of about 28 functions including all the buttons, default functions, etc. I can’t seem to change the “Lock” or “Camera” buttons, so if anyone figures out how to do this, please post. Also, Button2 (OK) and Volume Up don’t seem to work as a long press, and Volume down only activates vibrate when held down.
Edit: When in Vibrate mode, holding it down turns the speaker back on.

Button1 (Samsung Shield) (Becomes my Tools key)
1: “Spb Home” gets me back quickly to MS3, Also can be Home, Main Menu, etc.
2. “TCPMP” gets me to my videos
3. “O2Flash” gets me a quick flashlight
Long: None (because the long press is controlled by Button1 Hold)

Button1 Hold (Samsung Shield long press)
1. “Voice Recorder” (“Single press” is the button choice that works for the “long press” option); or Other favorite app

Button2 (This is actually the OK Button) Becomes a Task Key
1. Press Enter (works with programmed Volume keys)
2. “Task Mgr”, “tskmgr.exe”, “Quick Menu”, or favorite Task Manager
3. Show Actions Menu (AEBPlus application) (Many selectable functions not otherwise programmed)(not available in Free version)(pay him, he deserves it J)
Long: OK/Close (Doesn’t seem to work most of the time, though, rather unpredictable)

Volume UP (Becomes an “UP” key)
Change Volume or…
1. Press Up arrow key
2. Press PageUp
3. Copy to Clipboard (“Up to memory”)
Long: This one doesn’t work to the best of my knowledge

Volume DOWN (Becomes a “Down” Key)
Change Volume or…
1. Press Down arrow key
2. Press PageDn
3. Paste from Clipboard (“Down from memory”)
Long: Samsung makes this switch to Vibrate Mode and back

Green Phone button (Phone)
1. Press Green Button (normal default operation)
2. “Voice Speed Dial” (Cyberion, or whatever)
3. Show Backlight Dialog (AEBPlus application)(then volume buttons raise or lower the backlight because of Up and Down Keys)
Long: Switch Speakerphone Off/On

Red Phone button (End)
Hang Up current call or…
1. Press Red Button (normal default operation)(seems to work as a Minimize button)
2. Close Active application
3. Switch Active Application, or Soft Reset, or Turn OFF wifi, Bluetooth, whatever you want to stop
Long: Power-OFF your device

Of course you can put anything you want in there, and arrange it any way you want. That is the beauty of WM and this app. But for those who want to try it and configure it quickly, my file may get you started faster. You may want to soft reset after copying the file in, but it seems to work for me without that.

Anybody else with any cool uses for this program, please post. Especially if you have figured out how to control the "Lock" button and the "Camera" button.

Again, if you try my file, rename as AEBPlus.cfg without the .zip, as it is not a zip file.
Attached Files
File Type: zip AEBPlus.cfg.zip (1.2 KB, 14 views) Click for barcode!
"One is glad to be of service." Bicentennial Man

Verizon: XV6700, XV6800 w/ROMs cooked in PPCGeeks Kitchen, Omnia i910 with cac2us ROM and Omnia 2 with Ninja4Hire's ROMS.

Last edited by Robtao; 09-15-2010 at 01:24 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 07:11 PM
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Re: AEButton Plus Options (like having 28 buttons)

You can download the AEBPlus program from http://ae.inc.ru .

Last edited by Robtao; 06-02-2010 at 07:25 PM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 08:45 PM
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Re: AEButton Plus Options (like having 28 buttons)

Not a bad button setup! I have been using AEButton Plus for years now. Good tool/app.
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