Considering the Moment and currently have the Hero
Just wanted to start a thread and see if I could get more info and maybe a little nudge towards trading the hero for the moment.
I have a few questions that I can't seem to find the answer to.
1. How strong is the wifi on this phone? The hero is not that great in getting good wifi signal. I find that it downloads slower than evdo in my house and I have full coverage.
2 Now that the phone has been out for a while. How is the build quality holding up, like wiggle or creaks. Is the screen being scratched easily.
3. Has the pandora or the sprint nav issues been resolved.
4. People that switched from the hero to the moment. Would you recommend the moment over the hero.
5. Is the optical track pad irritating and how are the touch buttons on the bottom of the screen, pretty responsive?
I am the type of person that can deal with or without a keyboard. I like having the keyboard but it is not a deal breaker. I like the hero but it would be nice to have the option of a hard keyboard.
I appreciate all the feedback you guys can give me.