Re: HOW TO ROOT A SAMSUNG MOMENT Thread (help me find out)
Hey this is an early Christmas present! I rooted my moment woo hoo. Thanks to midnight and all those who figured it out.
Re: HOW TO ROOT A SAMSUNG MOMENT Thread (help me find out)
Im new to adb and all that stuff i figured everything out insept for the command to push the file to my /system can someone please help me out thanks
Re: HOW TO ROOT A SAMSUNG MOMENT Thread (help me find out)
"adb push playlogo /system"
playlogo must be in your current working directory (most likely where adb.exe is.) Sad to say the script doesn't seem to work. I can get root, but it wont stick. YMMV |
Re: HOW TO ROOT A SAMSUNG MOMENT Thread (help me find out)
I must say, sadly in the current state, those who are expecting it to run their root apps will be disappointed.
Even when the wrapper works, the permissions get reset. Don't know what is doing it. We do know why though. Samsung uses FAT16 in a RFS wrapper for a filesystem. The FS does not support permissions. I'm too chicken to reflash my phone and try to convert it to yffs2, I'm out of exchanges at Bestbuy and don't want to pay a $100 deductable to Asurion. Those who can still exchange it and want to try it, that might be the way to go. Not sure yet. So in summary, this is progress but we are NOT at the stage of running stuff like "Root Explorer", "drocap2", or "wifi tether" ![]() Also, to help keep stuff consolidated, I'll be mostly replying on SamsungMomentForum, http://www.samsungmomentforum.com/ho...ly-achieved!)/ I will keep checking here, and post back here if any major milestones are achieved though, no worries! |
With this, you can format /sdcard as ext3 using an armel version of mke2fs and then simply copy su from /system/bin to /sdcard and chmod 4755 it. I've done this and can now su and become root via better terminal on the phone directly without using adb shell.
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Re: HOW TO ROOT A SAMSUNG MOMENT Thread (help me find out)
Most probably do since /system/bin is in the PATH by default. At least this will get you root directly on the phone without having to use adb shell. Having said that, it's probably best to leave /sdcard vfat (since having full blown UNIX style permissions on /sdcard breaks some things) and creating two separate partitions on the SD card. Make the second one ext3, mount it wherever (/media or some such, doesn't really matter), and start loading it up with ARM/Android compiled binaries. It should be rather trivial to get the base Debian image running at that point like the G1 had not too late into its rooting.
Past all that though, the real thing to start messing with at this point would be iptables, IP forwarding, and the wireless card for tethering via WiFi. And it would be nice how to figure out replacing the base system of course with 1.6 or 2.0. But I'll leave that to more adventurous folks than myself. I'm just happy to have a fully busybox installed in /system/bin with a bunch of symlinks for the time being. ![]() Last edited by nipsy; 11-25-2009 at 06:13 AM. |
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Re: HOW TO ROOT A SAMSUNG MOMENT Thread (help me find out)
![]() Parititoning is my drawback since im on windows, and i couldnt get armel debian binary of mke2fs to work. I'll have to boot a ubuntu livecd. Edit: I made a ext3 partition and put /media/bin/su and chmod 4755, but when i reboot it removed my setuid! ls -l /media/bin/su -rwxr-xr-x root root 86944 2009-11-24 18:02 su the moment is also complaining the sd card is invalid or blank. Edit2: Went back to unbutu and used mkfs.msdos instead of mkfs.vfat, and chmodded my su back. all is working now. Now to figure out how to override the system environment varible Edit3: Just use my wrapper to automount your ext3 partition to /media Make a symlink ln -s /media/bin/su /system/bin/su ![]() In the zip you will find 2 files. remount goes in /media/bin, it makes remounting the /system partition easier (just call /media/bin/remount ro or /media/bin/remount rw) playlogo is like before, move the original playlogo to playlogo_real under /system/bin and put my playlogo in its place Note this REQUIRES an ext3 partition on your sd card and it needs to be the SECOND partition. Last edited by zefie; 11-25-2009 at 07:44 AM. |
Re: HOW TO ROOT A SAMSUNG MOMENT Thread (help me find out)
ok zefie....all this is amazing, but now the directions are scattered in several different posts. can you make a step by step post separately please? one that is easy to understand even for noobs? thank you!
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