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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 02:20 PM
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Wireless tether for root users

Ok, so I had previously flashed to ZE14 and was using wireless tether fine. I was having trouble with the auto-rotation, was suggested to re-flash with a diff kernel. I used joeykrims final kernel. Now when I open wireless tether it says "sorry, but your kernel does not have all necessary features for running this application"

and when I click ignore and do it anyway, it says "wireless tether started with errors."

does anyone else get this problem... I'm just gonna go back to ze14....
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 02:34 PM
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Re: Wireless tether for root users

Sorry but I stuck with Zeife's kernel on my Moment because, other than the occasional lines, it worked too well not to.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: Wireless tether for root users

yea well, I am gonna flash back to zefies, but everytime I try to do it since after the first time I flashed to a custom kernel I CANNOT get a usb connection for SHIT.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 02:55 PM
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Re: Wireless tether for root users

I only had that problem once (between flashes). To fix it, I uninstalled SWUpdate, restarted my laptop, reinstalled SWUpdate and then it worked fine. If all else fails, give that a try.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: Wireless tether for root users

The problem is that joeykrims kernel doesn't have netfilter. I would suggest Speedrabbit 1.7 as it's based on joeykriims, but has netfilter added in order to support wifi tether.
Axim X30 -> Axim X50v -> Axim X51v -> PPC 6700 -> 700wx -> Mogul -> Touch Pro (x3) -> Touch Pro2 -> Moment -> Evo 4G

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 06:46 PM
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Re: Wireless tether for root users

Originally Posted by loserpunk701 View Post
yea well, I am gonna flash back to zefies, but everytime I try to do it since after the first time I flashed to a custom kernel I CANNOT get a usb connection for SHIT.
you could also reflash zefie / joey / speedrabbit's kernels via recovery using the ZIP files they provided... its faster and you don't have to mess with the computer.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2010, 03:45 PM
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Angry Re: Wireless tether for root users

I am back to ZE14.3 and now I am having problems again... why me?

So I am using wireless tether so the old lady can use her laptop.... it lasts about 10 minutes, and the computer no longer can surf the web. there seems to beem to problem that you can see. just that it stops browsing the web. I have to completely reboot my phone and start tether again to use it, and it only works for another ten minutes... so on and so on.... anyone? ...anyone?

[edit] also Idk if this is related or not, but I'm having data issues. as in, I cannot send pciture messages for some reason. I am using handcent, deleted the oem msging. downloaded chomp and it does the same thing, just has the little sprint circle spinning and spinning...... err. other misc. data problems. wtf did I do?

Last edited by loserpunk701; 04-19-2010 at 03:47 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: Wireless tether for root users

For the tethering to work, I thought you had to use setCPU and back the processor down to 266 mhz. I have never needed to tether but I thought that is what I read to make sure that it is able to function with stability.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-21-2010, 02:43 PM
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Re: Wireless tether for root users

Originally Posted by loserpunk701 View Post
I am back to ZE14.3 and now I am having problems again... why me?

So I am using wireless tether so the old lady can use her laptop.... it lasts about 10 minutes, and the computer no longer can surf the web. there seems to beem to problem that you can see. just that it stops browsing the web. I have to completely reboot my phone and start tether again to use it, and it only works for another ten minutes... so on and so on.... anyone? ...anyone?

[edit] also Idk if this is related or not, but I'm having data issues. as in, I cannot send pciture messages for some reason. I am using handcent, deleted the oem msging. downloaded chomp and it does the same thing, just has the little sprint circle spinning and spinning...... err. other misc. data problems. wtf did I do?

This is a very well known issue with the Moment. It's that CDMA lockup bug that happens randomly with or without tethering. It's better in 2.1, but not fixed yet. Speculation is that it's caused by the RIL (Radio Interface Layer) that Samsung used since 1.5 had no build in CDMA support.

As Rainfreak suggested using setCPU to limit the CPU to 266MHz when tethering has been reported to reduce the liklihood of this problem.
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