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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by elephant007 View Post
What problem did you have with the BIN? I between my posts I upgraded to ZE14, I'm not sure why you're having problems. You are clicking on Start Software Download button on the final screen, aren't you?

i was jus about to say nevermind i got it flashed the problem was these other samsung drivers i had installed i removed them an got it to work but thanks for ur help...but if ur feeling generous show me the way to remove all the sprint nonsense and this dam bejeweled
its been awhile..i got nothin clever..yet!...PS3 MVC3 PSN-ddark4eva
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 12:13 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

ok im going to try to uninstall all the drives and the Update studio thing and try again.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 12:21 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by ddark4eva View Post
i was jus about to say nevermind i got it flashed the problem was these other samsung drivers i had installed i removed them an got it to work but thanks for ur help...but if ur feeling generous show me the way to remove all the sprint nonsense and this dam bejeweled
Sweet you got it flashed to Zefie's kernel?!?!?!?!

Now customize your phone and back it up, then see if you can restore the back up. As far as removing the Sprint nonsense, I haven't tried do it myself yet. I know it's possible.

Last edited by elephant007; 03-02-2010 at 01:03 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

From my How To on rooting the Moment:

Once you have downloaded and installed Better Terminal Emulator (from here out I will refer to it as BTE) you can start the app. Then type the following commands, without the apostrophes ('), if you so choose to rid yourself of Sprint's bloatware:
  • Type 'su' and the "$" prompt will change to a "#"
  • Type 'mount -oremount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system'
  • Type 'cd system'
  • Type 'cd app'
* Note: Each command is typed one line at a time. Use the return button on your keyboard to enter each command.

You are now in read/write mode in the apps directory, which means that you can get rid of the Sprint apps and clean up your phone. To backup a file before you remove it, you can type the following (again without the apostrophes):
  • Type 'cat VSuiteApp.apk > /sdcard/VSuiteApp.apk'
The command above tells the system to copy the VSuiteApp.apk file to the root of the SD card, in case we want to install it again later. Then, to remove an app and completely unistall it, type the following (again without the apostrophes):
  • Type 'rm VSuiteApp.apk'
In the two examples above, we copied the VSuiteApp.apk app to the SD card and then removed it from the phone's main memory. VSuiteApp.apk is the app "Voice Control" which is always running. I personally didn't like it, never used it, and hated that it always ran, so it was the first that I removed.

When you are done removing apps that you no longer want, you must type the following, (again without the apostrophes):
  • Type 'mount -oremount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system'
The command above resets the system to read-only and stops you from making bad mistakes.

* Note: You should always remount the system to read-only when you are done.

To make all changes permanent you must reboot your phone. You can also do that from with BTE by typing the following (again without the apostrophes):
  • Type 'reboot'
Here is a complete list of apps that have been removed and do not cause adverse side effects to your phone:

amazonmp3_1.4_standard_signed.apk - Amazon store to buy music (I removed it)
Bejeweled.apk - Bejeweled demo (I removed it so that I could install the full version)
com.handson.h2o.nfl.apk - Sprint NFL (I didn't have it)
Email.apk - email client (I left it)
nascar09_prod.apk - Sprint Nascar (I removed it)
SprintTVWidget.apk - Sprint TV Widget (I removed it)
Sprint_App_Updater.apk - Sprint's updater for their apps and who knows what else (I removed it)
VSuiteApp.apk - Voice Control (I removed it)
Weather.apk - Weather Channel (I removed it)

You can also type 'ls' (without the apostrophes) in BTE when you are in the /system/apps directory and get a list of all apps there. I actually ran into a slightly different name for Sprint TV and after listing the contents of the directory I knew the name so that I could go ahead and remove it.

Found here.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 12:36 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

alright imma do the back up then attempt to uninstall stuff ill get back to u wit results
.....thanks for the post
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by elephant007 View Post
Sweet you got it flashed to Zefie's kernel?!?!?!?!

Now customize your phone and back it up, then see if you can restore the back up. As far as removing the Sprint nonsense, I haven't tried do it myself yet. I know it's possible.

yea im running ZE14............. why'd you take out the lil tutorial you jus had here (ConnectBot) it worked i removed bejeweled to test. whered u get it i like that one better than the BTE one plus connectbot is free
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 01:29 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by ddark4eva View Post
yea im running ZE14............. why'd you take out the lil tutorial you jus had here (ConnectBot) it worked i removed bejeweled to test. whered u get it i like that one better than the BTE one plus connectbot is free
I moved it to the first post

I'm glad everything is working good for you!!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 01:33 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

ok i see it, thanks alot! to you and Rainfreak....now ill probly keep this phone
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 02:20 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Make sure you CLOSE PCStudio AND the PCStudioMonitor in the system tray, or the update will hang on SetupConnection.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by SAShady View Post
Make sure you CLOSE PCStudio AND the PCStudio Monitor in the system tray, or the update will hang on SetupConnection
This tutorial doesn't use PCStudio, if you have it installed it would be a good idea to uninstall it all together and all the two billion drivers it installs on your computer.

Thank you for pointing that out Shady
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