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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 12:22 AM
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Total n00b when it comes to Android. Need some help!

Hello all! First I must say that I love my Samsung Moment. However, the transition from Windows Mobile has thrown me for a loop. I do need some help.

First off, any media application I have download seems to scan the entire SD card for media...ie, my Music app not only sees my MP3 files, but also any and all ringtone or notification sound files. Is there anyway to specify a specific directory for said media files or am I going to have to put up with playing ALL music or viewing ALL pictures?

With Windows Mobile I had a few programs that would free up memory to make things quicker. I have used Advanced Task Killer, but it seems to lockup all my widgets. Is this something that I should worry about, or does Android automatically free up RAM when it needs it?

Lastly, I was an advid user of SPB Mobile Shell that allowed many "homescreens" and now with Android, I can only have three. Is there a way to increase the amount of homescreens available?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 01:03 AM
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Re: Total n00b when it comes to Android. Need some help!

I just made a music folder on my SD card, and the stock Music player found only my music perfectly (I don't know if you have to make a folder or not, but I did.) I know on the Pre you can throw the music anywhere and it finds it. I dunno if Android is the same, but the music folder and stock music app work fine for me.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 01:30 AM
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Re: Total n00b when it comes to Android. Need some help!

Originally Posted by ayryyn View Post
Hello all! First I must say that I love my Samsung Moment. However, the transition from Windows Mobile has thrown me for a loop. I do need some help.

First off, any media application I have download seems to scan the entire SD card for media...ie, my Music app not only sees my MP3 files, but also any and all ringtone or notification sound files. Is there anyway to specify a specific directory for said media files or am I going to have to put up with playing ALL music or viewing ALL pictures?
Not sure, I also made a music folder (like Carla) and it only lists my MP3s in that folder.

Originally Posted by ayryyn View Post
With Windows Mobile I had a few programs that would free up memory to make things quicker. I have used Advanced Task Killer, but it seems to lockup all my widgets. Is this something that I should worry about, or does Android automatically free up RAM when it needs it?
Add the widgets to the ignore list in ATK. hold on the name of the widget in ATK and then clink on Ignore. After that, it will not try to close them automatically again.

Originally Posted by ayryyn View Post
Lastly, I was an advid user of SPB Mobile Shell that allowed many "homescreens" and now with Android, I can only have three. Is there a way to increase the amount of homescreens available?

Open Home is very nice, it allows you to have 1, 3, 5, or 7 home screens, your choice. Check it out, there is a lite version in the Market. There are also a number of great skins available for it. Adn the full version is not very expensive, a few bucks I think.
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