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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2009, 07:06 PM
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Vibrating Intrepid

So lets add to the weirdness of this phone. So far in the couple of months I've had this phone, about a dozen times I've had and incoming call/text, and the phone never stops vibrating no matter what I do. Only way to make it stop is soft reset. A pain especially on the call cause either you can't answer it, or the other end hears the sound of the vibration the whole time.

FYI, I have my settings to ring and vibrate.

Anyone else with this issue? Solution?

Maybe we need to create a list of these weird issues so sprint/samsung know their common and need to be fixed.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2009, 11:37 PM
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Re: Vibrating Intrepid

Originally Posted by 1sae View Post
So lets add to the weirdness of this phone. So far in the couple of months I've had this phone, about a dozen times I've had and incoming call/text, and the phone never stops vibrating no matter what I do. Only way to make it stop is soft reset. A pain especially on the call cause either you can't answer it, or the other end hears the sound of the vibration the whole time.

FYI, I have my settings to ring and vibrate.

Anyone else with this issue? Solution?

Maybe we need to create a list of these weird issues so sprint/samsung know their common and need to be fixed.
I've had this same problem. Mine usually does it when I get a text and it only does it every once in a while. It only vibrates (no audio) when the text comes through and it will still be vibrating when im texting back...I will wait on it for about a minute and then while still vibrating, it will make the text notification sound and then it will stop. That's if I haven't already done a soft reset on it.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Vibrating Intrepid

I've never had it happen for a call. It has happened occasionally for a text. In the event that it continues to vibrate, mine will stop if I put it to sleep and wake it back up.
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