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Old 02-07-2012, 06:30 PM
angelgabbby's Avatar
Pocket PC: intercept
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Exclamation Help! Sprint flashed to Cricket, no internet, & some mixedup/incorrect settings

Ive been searching through post after post and forum to forum for a couple days, but cant seem to find exactly what all I need to do, for the state the phones settings/info are currently on. Ive avoided posting earlier because since I've seem semi- similar problems, I didnt want to post something that the EXACT same situation had maybe been posted 500x &me just not search. However, I am so tired of trying to piece together exactly what I need to do, from 500 different kinda-related-at-parts posts, that I'm giving up &hoping someone can tell me what to do (cuz Crickets tech people DEFINITELY were no help)....

We got a Sprint Samsung Intercept that was flashed to cricket. Supposedly it was fully flashed/functional including internet, etc, but needless to say, its not. Talk & text work fine, but thats about it. The network even still says Sprint, etc. Here is where the settings are at:

Android Version: 2.2.1
Baseband version: s:m910.05 S.dl05
Kernal version:
Build number: Froyo.dl05
Hardware version: m910.05

SYSTEMSETTINGS/SYSTEM UPDATES: of course none of them can check for update
SYSTEMSETTINGS/STATUS: phone# is correct now
Prl version: 35113
Service State: in service
User name: xxxxx@sprintpcs.com
Mobile Network State: Disconnected

Proxy: wap.mycricket.com (I cant remember if it was blank, or was xxxx.sprintpcs.com)
Port: 8080
IP Settings: nothing entered

What info/settings do I need to enter/change? Or do I need to put/use a certain program or file on it? Or/And ANYthing else needed?

Thank you very much for your time & for any/all assistance!
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