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Old 05-19-2009, 05:31 PM
tmccaf's Avatar
Pocket PC: Samsung i760
Carrier: Verizon
Location: Denver
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Email Sync Issues

Need a little help. We just moved to Verizon and have deployed 30+ Samsung i760s. We have a hadnful (5 or 6) of the 30 some that seem to lose their Active Sync mind. They will stop receiving emails with no notification there is a problem. Then, when we log into a PC with the same email account, all of the messages magically appear, all at once. Verizon referred us to Samsung tech support. Samsung wants the error code that Active Sync displays (we haven't seen an error yet). Now they want us to monitor the phone and load an event logger so we can help them troubleshoot.

Unfortunately, we are in a medical industry and need these phones to receive email at all hours of the day without delays. I cannot imagine we are the only ones that have experienced this issue.

The phones are set to download every 5 minutes, (we have had them set for 10 minutes and "as items arrive") but it seems to have no impact on the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.
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