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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2008, 11:59 AM
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760 recall??

I had been having lots of reception issues (mostly at home rather than anywhere else) so VZW had me first do the 6.1 upgrade and then later sent me a replacement to rule out the device despite everybody I know with VZW or Sprint has issues at my house where as ATT does not. I may still switch to ATT but anyway... The replacement has serious issues such as it will appear to power off and not respond to the power button or anything until I pull the battery. So I submitted another ticket and in talking with their CSR today she told me she was unable to secure me another replacement because the i760 has been recalled due to some kind of a problem that she didn't really know the details of. So they want to send me the 6800 instead. I prefer the form function of the i760 over the HTC minus the call/disconnect buttons on the side but I guess I don't have much choice. My buddy loves his 6800 and hacks the heck out of it so I guess I'll start joining that crowd. Anyway I just wanted to pass this info on to other i760 users. I did a quick search and have not yet found any info on this recall.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: 760 recall??

My reception has been way down since i upgraded to 6.1. Even though they fixed a bunch of issues with the phone, the reception thing is starting to get a little bit annoying.

I also have a problem with the phone occasionally locking up while in the sleep state. Can't wake it up with the power button, have to pull the battery.

I'll be interested to see where they go with a recall. I love the phone otherwise.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 08:25 PM
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Re: 760 recall??

google meid issue samsung i760
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2008, 08:45 AM
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Re: 760 recall??

I have the same reception issues, but that is due to where I live n CT. At work, I do much better.

the 'recall' issue: later produced models are having issues connecting via wi-fi to Nortel hosted networks. Legacy models are not affected.

If you need a replacement, the xv6800 is not a bad way to go. I tried one from eBay, not bad, but being left handed , and used to using a right handed mouse, I decided to keep my i760.

I must admit, I am waiting to get my hands on the Touch Pro, and if I like it, will most likely sacrifice a limb to get my paws on one. But, if it doesn't match up, I will stay with my i760.

Hope this helps..

Originally Posted by kjmars View Post
I had been having lots of reception issues (mostly at home rather than anywhere else) so VZW had me first do the 6.1 upgrade and then later sent me a replacement to rule out the device despite everybody I know with VZW or Sprint has issues at my house where as ATT does not. I may still switch to ATT but anyway... The replacement has serious issues such as it will appear to power off and not respond to the power button or anything until I pull the battery. So I submitted another ticket and in talking with their CSR today she told me she was unable to secure me another replacement because the i760 has been recalled due to some kind of a problem that she didn't really know the details of. So they want to send me the 6800 instead. I prefer the form function of the i760 over the HTC minus the call/disconnect buttons on the side but I guess I don't have much choice. My buddy loves his 6800 and hacks the heck out of it so I guess I'll start joining that crowd. Anyway I just wanted to pass this info on to other i760 users. I did a quick search and have not yet found any info on this recall.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2008, 05:52 PM
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Re: 760 recall??

I've had reception issues with my i760 as well. Went through 2 of them already. I was told by the VZW rep last week that there is a problem with the phones (they either can't say or don't know), and that Samsung has put a production hold on them until further notice. They cannot sell new ones, or ship refurbs for warranty replacements. They were able to ship me a brand new 6800 as the replacement. It's OK, and there are some good forums for registry tweaks/hacks (I now have GPS working with Live Search mobile, and google maps, without having to pay for VZnavigator to turn on the GPS functionality). The one issue I have with the phone is the voice command, or lack thereof. I extensively used the voice command on the i760. On the XV6800, you have to train the phone for EVERY ONE of your contacts and applications for voice dial. As soon as the i760 becomes available again, I'm calling VZW and getting it back.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: 760 recall??

Yea this voice command is crap. My friend said you can replace it with a hacked rom but I haven't had the time to read up on that yet. I wonder if I can make VZW give me the i760 back whenever they fix the issues.
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