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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-23-2010, 12:09 AM
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Re: Galaxy S Overclocked to 1.6ghz and fps cap removed..eats benchmarks for breakfast

Originally Posted by Anon9mouz View Post
Damn that sucks. Well i guess i might have to try and get an epic

Sent from my PC36100-evo-using Tapatalk
I thought everyone knew the evo was junk by this time. Everyone dump htc, crapola gpu on all their devices. Including Evo. For gods sake, get a iphone before u get a htc.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2010, 02:31 AM
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Originally Posted by sp4rtan5 View Post
I thought everyone knew the evo was junk by this time. Everyone dump htc, crapola gpu on all their devices. Including Evo. For gods sake, get a iphone before u get a htc.

How does the evo suck? Last time I checked it was still rated in the top 3 best phones of 2010. Also didn't the epic come out after the evo? Wasn't it expected to have slightly better specs? The epic is a great phone but it doesn't blow the evo out of the water. The gpu isn't that far off. Stop dissing other phones and just be happy with what you got. In a month or two their will be a phone that has better specs so just quit with the back and forth "my phone is better than your phone crap".
And I would pick the evo or epic over the iphone anytime. Especially as long a its only on att.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2010, 02:50 AM
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Re: Galaxy S Overclocked to 1.6ghz and fps cap removed..eats benchmarks for breakfast

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
How does the evo suck? Last time I checked it was still rated in the top 3 best phones of 2010. Also didn't the epic come out after the evo? Wasn't it expected to have slightly better specs? The epic is a great phone but it doesn't blow the evo out of the water. The gpu isn't that far off. Stop dissing other phones and just be happy with what you got. In a month or two their will be a phone that has better specs so just quit with the back and forth "my phone is better than your phone crap".
And I would pick the evo or epic over the iphone anytime. Especially as long a its only on att.
The Epic did come out after the Evo yes, but the i9000 came out before the Evo....that said the Evo was made over a year before it actually came out where we saw leaks of the Super sonic...even the HD2 which is 90% similar to the Evo came out in 2009...The problem is the Evo is outdated hardware...don't get me wrong though its not a bad phone...but in raw specs the Epic completely destroys the evo...


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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2010, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The Epic did come out after the Evo yes, but the i9000 came out before the Evo....that said the Evo was made over a year before it actually came out where we saw leaks of the Super sonic...even the HD2 which is 90% similar to the Evo came out in 2009...The problem is the Evo is outdated hardware...don't get me wrong though its not a bad phone...but in raw specs the Epic completely destroys the evo...


Whatever you say the evo still competes with the epic. All these ratings don't mean anything for the regular user. Most people just use the web and play games and when it comes to games I tested both evo and epic and they both looked and ran the same. Maybe when it comes to movies the epic beats evo but how many people watch a full movie on their phone? Either way they are both great phones. My wife is happy with her epic and I'm happy with my evo. I would never trade.

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2010, 04:47 PM
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Re: Galaxy S Overclocked to 1.6ghz and fps cap removed..eats benchmarks for breakfast

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
Whatever you say the evo still competes with the epic. All these ratings don't mean anything for the regular user. Most people just use the web and play games and when it comes to games I tested both evo and epic and they both looked and ran the same. Maybe when it comes to movies the epic beats evo but how many people watch a full movie on their phone? Either way they are both great phones. My wife is happy with her epic and I'm happy with my evo. I would never trade.
No one is asking you to trade, people are fine with Heros or Intercepts..everyone has their preferences..but the Hardware specs of the Epic is vastly superior to that of the EVO..this isn't only about video, its in games and smoothness of the UI, if you want to test a game test one with actual graphic requirements..you will see a huge difference..

But if your happy with your EVO thats great..but it doesn't change the reality of things...

(HTC is know for using outdated hardware...which I hope will change with all the competition from Samsung and LG)
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2010, 08:36 AM
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I do love the screen of the epic though. Also the epic does have a better picture quality in some cases when you use the camera. The one thing that will keep me from getting the epic for now is the data speeds for tethering. Both cnet and laptopmag tested it and epic was always slower by alot. But they said with the 2.2 update it should improve. My point is that both phones are great and there is no reason to say one blows away the other cause in almost every review they are only off by a little. We will just see what happens when epic gets 2.2 update. It should be fun to see. For those who have the epic, let us know if the 26 is in fact the day 2.2 is available.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2010, 09:05 AM
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Re: Galaxy S Overclocked to 1.6ghz and fps cap removed..eats benchmarks for breakfast

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
The one thing that will keep me from getting the epic for now is the data speeds for tethering. Both cnet and laptopmag tested it and epic was always slower by alot. But they said with the 2.2 update it should improve.
Cnet and laptopmag either wrote those reviews a long time ago or they are failing to take advantage of what is available for the Epic. The community has tied pretty much everything loose end that Samsung left, including the data speed issue. Go here:


The only caveat to this fix is that you must be running a deodexed custom ROM. So its fairly simple...root, backup, flash a custom ROM and then apply the above linked fix....no data restrictions.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: Galaxy S Overclocked to 1.6ghz and fps cap removed..eats benchmarks for breakfast

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The Epic did come out after the Evo yes, but the i9000 came out before the Evo....that said the Evo was made over a year before it actually came out where we saw leaks of the Super sonic...even the HD2 which is 90% similar to the Evo came out in 2009...The problem is the Evo is outdated hardware...don't get me wrong though its not a bad phone...but in raw specs the Epic completely destroys the evo...


im gonna go a bit off topic here... but looking at this chart, does this mean that snapdragon is supposed to have a better gpu than iphone 4 and ipad?? so would this mean that games made for snapdragon (like wp7) would run just as good or better than IOS if it wasnt a dirty port??
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: Galaxy S Overclocked to 1.6ghz and fps cap removed..eats benchmarks for breakfast

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
My point is that both phones are great and there is no reason to say one blows away the other cause in almost every review they are only off by a little.
When reviewers review it, they look at it from a perspective of an average user..what I am talking about is raw hardware power..simple as that..I'm not arguing against people's preferences...everyone has one..

But I have seen many reviewers give it to the EVO for having a better camera just cause its 8mp...which kinda shows how they don't really understand cell phones as much as they claim...

Originally Posted by MikeElGiga23 View Post
im gonna go a bit off topic here... but looking at this chart, does this mean that snapdragon is supposed to have a better gpu than iphone 4 and ipad?? so would this mean that games made for snapdragon (like wp7) would run just as good or better than IOS if it wasnt a dirty port??
no, here is the thing the iphone 4 and the ipad have larger resolutions...it takes more processing power to push out the same fps at higher resolutions...hence why the iphone 3gs and the optimus one are so high on this test, cause they have smaller resolutions then say an EVO. In case ofthe iphone 4 all things are rendered at 3gs resolution and then rescaled to 2x the size...

so the answer is no, the snapdragon games wouldn't really be very impressive..they also won't be on par with the iphone 4...
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