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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 05:47 PM
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Re: PIM.vol convertion to CSV or vcard file

I'm still working on a solution for you, but there is a long painful way to do it. Open the pim.vol in Notepad. It should at least display your contact info in text form (it will probably be all jumbled up). Then you can copy and paste them one by one into new contact windows in Outlook.

Its long and hard but its better than losing all your contacts.

Or you could get someone with a TP2 to let you borrow it. You could use their phone to sync outlook. Of course they would have to back everything up and delete their contacts to allow you to do this.

A request like this is usually best when accompanied by a case of beer.

Last edited by Johnny.Bravo; 09-17-2010 at 05:49 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 06:14 PM
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Re: PIM.vol convertion to CSV or vcard file

Well if its in plain text and there is a lot of contacts you can easily compile a perl script to parse it and output it a csv file automatically.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: PIM.vol convertion to CSV or vcard file

Guys, I tried the solution for opening the pim.vol with notepad..thats a no go, not readeable. So I found someone with an old touch pro that has let borrow it and I'm gonna sync it to my home outlook not my work one. I don't care about the contacts, calendar etc..at home so that should copy them via active sync..I was sweating bullets trying to find a solution, I appreciate you help guys and I'll let you know it work later tonight.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: PIM.vol convertion to CSV or vcard file

If you have the contacts that are in you PIM.vol file in Outlook, you can export them to a .csv file from Outlook.

Export to .csv from Outlook:

1. Open your contacts tab.

2. Select File----> Import and Export.

3. Select "Export to a file" from the list. Click Next.

4. Select "Comma Seperated Values (Windows). Click Next.

5. Select "Contacts" if not selected already. Click Next.

6. At the "Save exported file as" box, type any name you would like with a .csv extension. Example, "contacts.csv". Hit browse to place the file in a specific directory. Hit Next.

7. On your Epic:
Open your contacts application
Make sure All contacts are visible, unless you only want to back up certain groups.
Hit the menu button
Hit the Import/Export button
(from Importing and Exporting contacts | Android Central)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2013, 05:30 AM
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Re: PIM.vol convertion to CSV or vcard file

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
I'm still working on a solution for you, but there is a long painful way to do it. Open the pim.vol in Notepad. It should at least display your contact info in text form (it will probably be all jumbled up). Then you can copy and paste them one by one into new contact windows in Outlook.

Its long and hard but its better than losing all your contacts.

Or you could get someone with a TP2 to let you borrow it. You could use their phone to sync outlook. Of course they would have to back everything up and delete their contacts to allow you to do this.

A request like this is usually best when accompanied by a case of beer.
I have got TP2 myself, but I am not able to transfer my contacts to my PC; kindly let me know the step by step procedure
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