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Old 08-23-2010, 03:12 PM
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[REF] How to unlock all Samsung Galaxy S Models (Now with UnFreeze Code)

From dagentooboy Xda thread here:

Remember the places online to get a code want $25-30 so please donate

For those of you that have donated THANKS! (You know who you are)

PLEASE give credit (and donations if you can) to
DaGentooBoy For this AWESOME guide, the mac and windows scripts, and a lot of troubleshooting (Paypal)
RazvanG for pointing galaxysguy in the right direction, finding the Freeze Code location in the .bak file, the code for re-locking the phone to any network, and the solution to unlock with only one sim card (Paypal)
rbnet.it and marcopon for the cool SGUX utility to extract it (donate to marcopon and rbnet.it Here)
Bowsa2511 for the command to extract the unlock code on a Mac (Paypal here)
nbs11 for the new mac script (donate here)
rhcp0112345 for finding the file and giving me (and others) a place to start (Donate here)
galaxysguy for confirming that I was looking at the right code (Paypal here)

Ok before we get started I need to make this REALLY clear. This did not work for my i9000 at first…. I cannot guarantee you will find your code…. If your device freezes (to many attempts) I am sorry but I cannot be held responsible.

Using ADB
Make sure that Network Lock is the only thing on... go to phone and enter *#7465625#
Make sure USB debugging is enabled (Settings->Applications->Development->USB Debugging)
Step 0.5. – The easy way

For Mac UPDATED!!!
Originally Posted by nbs11 1. Download the Samsung Galaxy S Unlocker for Mac from this here:

2. Mount the DMG and drag the folder onto the hard drive. DO NOT DRAG THE ICON WITH THE LOCK (the app). Once the file is finished copying continue.

3. Open the application with the lock. It should open a terminal window. Let it run for a few seconds and then it should show a screen like this:

4. Write down your unlock code
Jump to step 3.

For Windows (UPDATED Now includes Un-Freeze Code)
Download and extract the attached Generate Unlock Windows.zip.
Run Generate_Code.bat
Look for the line Network Control Key:YourCode
Save the code
Jump to step 3.

Step 1. – Get the file
You need to have root

adb shell
cd /dev/block
dd if=/dev/block/bml3 of=/sdcard/bml3.bak
mount USB storage and copy the file off the internal SD card

Step 2. – Find the code
Try this
Originally Posted by rbnet.it Try this: http://www.multiupload.com/81WAY99VHH (UPDATED!!!)

It's a win32 executable. Run the program from command line with the blockdevice backup as parameter:

c:\sgux.exe bml3.bak

IT returns the unlock code fory your phone.

It's based on the tip posted on this thread by rhcp0112345.

It's works with european sgs.
Open the file in a HEX editor
Search for SSNV
At the end of this block of data there should be a string of numbers
(my unlock code started at 0x18005a)
The format will be numbers.unlockcode.numbers

Step 3. – Enter the code
Power down your phone
Put in a SIM card from another carrier
Power up your phone
When it boots up it will ask for the unlock code that you found above

OR if you don't have another SIM you can try this (NOT TESTED) (Thanks RazvanG)

remove sim card
power on phone without sim
enter *7465625*638*# and relock the phone to another network other than the one u have u'r sim card (eg 22610)
power off phone
insert sim card back
power on and enter nck code extracted from .bak file
phone unlocked

Step 4. – Flash back (IF THE CODE DIDN'T WORK)
Flash back to an older firmware (I9000XXJF7 with 513.pit worked for me)
Now enter the unlock code you generated in Step 2.

Using the Market App
Search for Galaxy S Sim Unlocker in the market. (It is $10 and people say it works)

If you need this

After you get the NCK code using the method above, enter: *7465625*638*#
There will be a pop-up box.
Complete the first field (MCC/MNC) with the network you want your phone locked to (eg. 226 10 where 226 = romania; 10 = orange etc.) and the second field (Control Key) with the NCK extracted from the .bak file.
Press OK and your phone should relock.
Guide in Spanish here
Guide in Chinese here

LEGAL NOTES (because information should be free for all):

If you want me to extract the code for you just PM me with a link to your zipped bml3.bak or nv_data.bin file and I will send you back the code. If it works please feel free to donate via Paypal

Attached Files Generate Unlock Mac.zip (123.0 KB, 285 views) Generate Unlock Windows.zip (305.9 KB, 1170 views)

dagentooboy Xda thread here:

If you find my guide or advice helpful please donate
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-A quick thanks always helps!

Last edited by Hypnotic2010; 08-26-2010 at 07:21 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 12:44 AM
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Re: [REF] How to unlock all Samsung Galaxy S Models (Now with UnFreeze Code)

are these the steps to rooting?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 12:51 AM
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Re: [REF] How to unlock all Samsung Galaxy S Models (Now with UnFreeze Code)

Originally Posted by crazaytalent View Post
are these the steps to rooting?
No, these codes are for unlocking your phone to use on other carriers. If you need to root your phone there is a 1 button root app.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 02:20 AM
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Re: [REF] How to unlock all Samsung Galaxy S Models (Now with UnFreeze Code)

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
No, these codes are for unlocking your phone to use on other carriers. If you need to root your phone there is a 1 button root app.
Oh sweet, thanks Gten... ill be searching for that app when im ready to root, but ill probably play with it stock for a while... get aquainted w/ android... only exp i have so far are the ports to my touch pro so im eager to get my hand on a fully functional device... pretty sure ill be rooting it soon enough tho!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2013, 06:21 AM
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Re: [REF] How to unlock all Samsung Galaxy S Models (Now with UnFreeze Code)

You can also unlock all Samsung Galaxy S model using unlock code.. you can purchase such code from any vendors online like Unlocking4U.com
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