Nice TPU case for $2.50
Very happy with this TPU case, fits like a glove and was only $2.50!
http://www.ebay.com/itm/BLACK-S-LINE...#ht_1507wt_972 Sent from my SPH-D710 using PPCGeeks |
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Re: Nice TPU case for $2.50
I'll probably stick with this one, although I do like the bodyglove one with the kickstand, but it doesn't protect the top and bottom. Sent from my SPH-D710 using PPCGeeks |
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Any case adds a bit of bulk.
Re: Nice TPU case for $2.50
Re: Nice TPU case for $2.50
Can anyone who has this case please comment on the materials it is made from. I can't tell in the photos and I am wondering; the back appears to be partly matte TPU to the left and the area to the right of the S pattern appears to be glossier. Is this correct? Is any of this case actually glossy or am I seeing part TPU on the left and more of a rubber on the right?
More detailed photos would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! |
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