Ever since we got the native kernel modules have become out friends and not enemies, I have been mass-moduling things. I modified the batch recmod script to do the exact opposite of recmod:
cd %~f1
for /F "tokens=*" %%R in ('dir *.dll /A /B') do c:\reversmode.exe %%R
for /F "tokens=*" %%R in ('dir *.exe /A /B') do c:\reversmode.exe %%R
for /F "tokens=*" %%R in ('dir *.mui /A /B') do c:\reversmode.exe %%R
This assumes reversemode is in C:\ I did it this way so I could put a shortcut to my batch script in my sendto folder that way I can mass module a folder on demand by just right clicking and going to send to...
EDIT: much later, I know better now thanks to NFSFAN. it is not always a good idea to modulate everything..