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  #331 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....Yet not available

" Availability The HTC Touch2, Touch Diamond2 and Touch Pro2 with Windows Mobile 6.5 are available through selected operators across Europe now and will be rolling out to other regions in the coming months."
  #332 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 12:39 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....Yet not available

if it doesn't come out today, it will be a sad day here at geektown.......

I been waiting for this since May, 11 (my birthday) so technically i haven't received my gift from Microsoft yet..... commom Bill or Ozzie you guys know better then that....
  #333 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 12:51 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....Yet not available

"Yup, There's an .apk for that"

Originally Posted by BillJr106 View Post
"Hey did anyone hear about release of the Windows Mobile 6.5 update
for the Touch Pro 2 coming out tomorrow??!!
I just read at the top of this thread and wanted to share it with everyone"
  #334 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....

Originally Posted by starcastic View Post
The two really are completely unrelated, doesnt have much to do with 'sense', not thta Sprint and sense always go in the same sentence anyway.

My TP2 was manufactured in AUGUST. Theres lots of lag time between manufacturing, assembling, flashing, packaging, consolidating, MONTHS on container ships and warehouses, customs clearance, unpacking and shipping smaller quantities to warehouses and distro centers and a lot of other steps before it trickles down to the consumer being able to walk into a store and buy an item.

Those people are completely separate from whomever develops and releases an upgrade for people who areleady have a previously-versioned handset, theres no reason to think they'd have timelines with any relation.
While I appreciate what you are trying to say, it is irrelevant to no update for the Sprint Touch Pro 2. Here's why.

The OEM build date of the shipped Sprint ROM was July 17, 2009. This is almost three months ago and (I believe, on phone can't check the date) literally months after WinMo 6.5 was RTM. This means they have had at least 5 months to throw a ROM on the phones and debug. The Rhodium was announced in January. HTC has been slipping us betas of 6.5 long before it went RTM. It is safe to say that there has been ample time to QA a 6.5 ROM on the Rhodium with several updated builds since if allowed. The fact that the AT&T Tilt is in stores TODAY with 6.5 already on it solidifies this.

Another reason for no excuse is that the Sprint TP2 has been delayed at least TWICE for various reasons, marketing being the most obvious reason as to not conflict with the releases of the Pre and Snap. If you check EPST, we are using the fouth hardware revision of the RHOD400. One telling factor that at least one revision was a color scheme change for the keyboard, as early leaked pictures of the phone show a silver keyboard with orange letters.

This means that this phone has been delayed for non-technical reasons and they even had time to change their minds on color schemes, which also means they have had time to twiddle their thumbs or do something like oh, I don't know, perhaps tweak the hell out of a 6.5 ROM.

In my opinion, the fact that sources are saying an early 2010 update is inexcusable. I bought this device with every expectation of an update on 6.5 launch. If this report holds true, I will be calling retention and returning this phone for the Hero while at the same time having to persuade an angry customer of at least 10 years with three expired contracts why I shouldn't just outright drop them for repeatedly jerking me around on promises undelivered, attempting to force me into adding $30/mo plans for services I already have, and bait-and-switching me with rebate tiny-print unadvertised conditions.
  #335 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....Yet not available

I don't see how anyone would exepect these carriers to launch a major firmware OS upgrade just because Microsoft made the new OS official today.

Every phone I have ever required months before upgrades were available.
Even when 6.1 came out. Just be happy these phones even came out this year.
  #336 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 01:13 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 View Post
While I appreciate what you are trying to say, it is irrelevant to no update for the Sprint Touch Pro 2. Here's why.

The OEM build date of the shipped Sprint ROM was July 17, 2009. This is almost three months ago and (I believe, on phone can't check the date) literally months after WinMo 6.5 was RTM. This means they have had at least 5 months to throw a ROM on the phones and debug. The Rhodium was announced in January. HTC has been slipping us betas of 6.5 long before it went RTM. It is safe to say that there has been ample time to QA a 6.5 ROM on the Rhodium with several updated builds since if allowed. The fact that the AT&T Tilt is in stores TODAY with 6.5 already on it solidifies this.

Another reason for no excuse is that the Sprint TP2 has been delayed at least TWICE for various reasons, marketing being the most obvious reason as to not conflict with the releases of the Pre and Snap. If you check EPST, we are using the fouth hardware revision of the RHOD400. One telling factor that at least one revision was a color scheme change for the keyboard, as early leaked pictures of the phone show a silver keyboard with orange letters.

This means that this phone has been delayed for non-technical reasons and they even had time to change their minds on color schemes, which also means they have had time to twiddle their thumbs or do something like oh, I don't know, perhaps tweak the hell out of a 6.5 ROM.

In my opinion, the fact that sources are saying an early 2010 update is inexcusable. I bought this device with every expectation of an update on 6.5 launch. If this report holds true, I will be calling retention and returning this phone for the Hero while at the same time having to persuade an angry customer of at least 10 years with three expired contracts why I shouldn't just outright drop them for repeatedly jerking me around on promises undelivered, attempting to force me into adding $30/mo plans for services I already have, and bait-and-switching me with rebate tiny-print unadvertised conditions.
You do make valid points that are hard to argue with, but i think i will still keep my touch pro2, you weren't really going to run a stock 6.5 rom were you? hopefully cmonex will grace us any day now.
So that means when they start selling it in stores it will still be 6.1.
  #337 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
They focus all thier attention on the wrong devices.
I have to slightly disagree with you on that. They are focusing on the right OS, just on the wrong devices. WebOS, Android are the future. While for the short-term, focusing on WinMo and Blackberry are the right OSes to focus on because of its prominence in the business world, Linux-based OSes like Android and WebOS are rapidly gaining ground in that segment as well. Face it, WinMo is a dead OS unless Microsoft releases WM7 as a bare-bones OS based on the Singularity kernel with propreitary enterprise extensions and a very robust API and lets the OSS community and OEMs do the rest of the designing on top.

They neglected ARM and they are going to lose the battle if they don't do something drastic.
  #338 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 01:17 PM
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Smile Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....Yet not available

It would seem stupid for MS to announce the 6.5 update in advance for todays date and the carriers not already having the 6.5 to work on. Just me. Mutiny32 I think you are right about one think MS better get MS 7 soon.
Master Electrician

Last edited by dallas contractor; 10-06-2009 at 01:22 PM.
  #339 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....Yet not available

It isn't a question of if the TP2 is getting 6.5, but when;


I'm hoping that since the VZW Imagio & AT&T Pure already dropped with 6.5 and it's pretty much the same device that the TP2 upgrade roms aren't too far away. the Tilt 2 is rumored to be coming Oct 18th and is suppose to have 6.5 out of the box.
  #340 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 is Official.....Yet not available

Originally Posted by dallas contractor View Post
It would seem stupid for MS to announce the 6.5 update in advance for todays date and the carriers not already having the 6.5 to work on. Just me. Mutiny32 I think you are right about one think MS better get MS 7 soon.
The carriers have already been working on it, atleast we know sprint has based on a official sprint 6.5 rom that was leaked already.

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