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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 11:06 PM
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Sys porting? PLEASE HELP!

Okay, I've literally read 14 threads on xip and sys porting, and so far I've managed to port an XIP. I've been working on this for 2 solid days and can't get any start to finish help.

Here's my problems / questions...

1. All tutorials for porting SYS use G'reloc. However, when locating and downloading various generic builds (23017 for example) it only has the 23017 folder, common folder, and subfolders. Now when I download these things they say "SYS + XIP", but there is no SYS folder, no .VM folder, and no proper imageinfo.bin. So G'reloc won't do squat because there aren't any approprate components in this. There's no info I can find on how to use one of these type of dumps, and how to port it. How am I supposed to merge the new SYS with my base one?

2. I'm using a device that needs 128DPI. I've managed to find one resource file of a newer build that matches the 128DPI 320x320. Does it matter if those resource build numbers don't match the sys xip build numbers? (e.g. 23052 resource with 23017 xip and sys) And how do I go about merging these? The tutorials don't cover this.

3. Where is a good repository of current WM builds that stays fairly updated? I'm sure someone is doing it.

4. Back to DPI. Can resource files for another dpi be converted to the one I'm using, or is that pointless?

I'm looking for anyone that can answer these questions... any one of them directly. Please don't just post a link to another guide... I've read every one I can find already. Surely someone here has ported enough builds to easily answer these questions, or at least that's what I'm hoping for.

I can't believe I'm having this much trouble! I've spent years diagnosing fiber optic and can-bus networks, along with circuit diagnostics... so why does something that everyone thinks is second nature so dang difficult for me? PLEASE HELP! I'M PULLING TEETH OVER HERE!

Last edited by veedubguru; 09-24-2009 at 11:25 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2009, 02:24 PM
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Re: Sys porting? PLEASE HELP!

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
Okay, I've literally read 14 threads on xip and sys porting, and so far I've managed to port an XIP. I've been working on this for 2 solid days and can't get any start to finish help.

Here's my problems / questions...

1. All tutorials for porting SYS use G'reloc. However, when locating and downloading various generic builds (23017 for example) it only has the 23017 folder, common folder, and subfolders. Now when I download these things they say "SYS + XIP", but there is no SYS folder, no .VM folder, and no proper imageinfo.bin. So G'reloc won't do squat because there aren't any approprate components in this. There's no info I can find on how to use one of these type of dumps, and how to port it. How am I supposed to merge the new SYS with my base one?

2. I'm using a device that needs 128DPI. I've managed to find one resource file of a newer build that matches the 128DPI 320x320. Does it matter if those resource build numbers don't match the sys xip build numbers? (e.g. 23052 resource with 23017 xip and sys) And how do I go about merging these? The tutorials don't cover this.

3. Where is a good repository of current WM builds that stays fairly updated? I'm sure someone is doing it.

4. Back to DPI. Can resource files for another dpi be converted to the one I'm using, or is that pointless?

I'm looking for anyone that can answer these questions... any one of them directly. Please don't just post a link to another guide... I've read every one I can find already. Surely someone here has ported enough builds to easily answer these questions, or at least that's what I'm hoping for.

I can't believe I'm having this much trouble! I've spent years diagnosing fiber optic and can-bus networks, along with circuit diagnostics... so why does something that everyone thinks is second nature so dang difficult for me? PLEASE HELP! I'M PULLING TEETH OVER HERE!
1. Use Visual Kitchen and you dont need Greloc, its an old and outdated tool. The kitchen will take care of relocing for you.

2/3 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544445 This thread has the newest 6.5 builds, for DPI files, click the 0409 USA language localization packs.

4. I dont see then need in doing this. Never messed with that.

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CFay TP2 Port ROM! Check it out!
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