Hey guys. My old phone is a T-mobile branded Ipaq 6315. The guys over at pdaphonehome.com had it fixed to upgrade the rom to what the 6365 has because the 6315 is a P.O.S. What I wanted to know was if someone would be willing to help me edit the ROM files so that I can add applications to the ROM image since the RAM is only 55MB usable split between program and storage *sigh*. Can the tools on the FTP site do the same thing as what we do here to our PPC-6700s? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I am only wanting to use this as basically a media PDA since I dont need the phone functions and this has a 3.5" screen
If i'm missing any information you might need, please let me know also. Thanks again!!!!
- Brett
*edit* I have the original ROM files, and also the updated ROM files for 6365 too