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Old 01-11-2008, 09:58 AM
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New Geek Needs Help

I'm fairly new to this site and new to the HTC Touch. I'm trying to find out how to start customizing roms for it and have no clue how to start.. is there any on out there that can help or point me in the right direction of a starting point.... Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.....

"Sprint ATS/ If I can't find it, it aint out there!!!!!"
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2008, 07:24 PM
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Goto www.xda-developers.com and do a search for "olipro"

or google search "how to never brick your phone again"
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Old 01-21-2008, 07:35 PM
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There is no easy answer to your question. You will need to do a lot of reading and research to become knowledgable about this topic.

Besides the recommendation from Cutt-Boi(which is right on point by the way) I would also look for posts by ImCokeMan and Dog Guy. They both seem to be very informed. Dog Guy aka dcd1182 has made huge contributions to Titan development and has just started working on Vogue ROM's over on xda.

Have fun and as always make sure to share your break throughs with the forum so we can all benefit.
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Old 01-28-2008, 03:05 PM
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As a person that used to be in your shoes (I still think I am sometimes lol), I agree with 360 on this one. Making a ROM takes a lot of time, so be ready for it! It also takes a lot of reading (I read all I could from PPCGeeks and XDA on topics), and when you think you are done reading... you better read some more

The kitchens help a great deal, but there are topics or goals you might have for your ROM that are tricky. Most of the tricky things have already been solved, so prep yourself by searching the forums. If you still have issues, the IRC has never failed me when trying to ask for help!

I am currently working on my own ROM (which I hope I can release someday to the community), and it would be great to see others do the same! The Vogue seems to be playing second fiddle since a lot of activity is going on in the Titan realm.
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