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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2011, 07:40 AM
dany547's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Kaiser
Carrier: Orange
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Stuck at Splash Screen

hi guys,i'ved just builded a new 29020 rom for my Kaiser with OSKitchen Zero...i'ved installed the ROM on the phone then the rom wont boot.it gets stuck at the splash screen...what i did wrong?
*New ROM generation process started for the device "HTC Kaiser"*
*Building ROM for the locale "[0409] English (United States)"*
*Deleting previous existing ROM file: "C:\KITCHEN\osKitchen Zero v1.33.5\Output\HTC Kaiser\RUU_Signed_0409.nbh"...*
Copying the 'ADC' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'AdobeFlash' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'AdobeFlashCodecs' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'AlarmSounds' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'BaseApps' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'BaseAppsFiles' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Bluetooth' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'bronze' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'BronzeNonEA' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'BROWSING' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'BROWSINGCORE' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'browsingie' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Bth_A2DP' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'CHome' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'CommonNonEA' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'ConfettiCore' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'DRM' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Dummy FWUPDATE' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Dummy SQM' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Entertainment' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'GPSID' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'INTERNETSHARING' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'LangDB' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Lockscreen' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'LockscreenNonEA' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'MediaOS' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'MediaOSFiles' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Metadata' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'MSIMAR' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'MSXIPKernel' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'MSXIPKernelLTK' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'NetCF' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Office' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'OneNote' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'OS' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'OSFiles' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Phone' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'PhoneRedist' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'ppgprov' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Redist' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'RemoteDesktopMobile' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Riched20' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'RingsAndAlerts' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'RUNTIMES' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Shell' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'SIM_TKit' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Skybox' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Skymarket' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'SMIME' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'SMS_Providers' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'SQLCE' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'SYSTEM_DEFAULT_FONTS' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Themes' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Transcriber' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'VoiceCommand' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'VoIP' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'VoIPOS' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'Webview' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'WelcomeCenter' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'WinCENLS_WWE' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'WindowsLive' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'WindowsLiveIM' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'WMMoneyWidget' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'WMWeatherWidget' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'WMWidgets' Windows Mobile package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\OEM_DPI_96' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\OEMAPPS' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\OEMDrivers' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\OEMMISC' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\OEMOPERATORS' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\OEMVERSION' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\Startup Animation' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\OEM_Lang_0409' OEM package...
Copying the 'HTC Kaiser\HTC Kaiser Packages\CAMERA_FIX' EXT package...
Copying the 'OEMXIPKernel' OEMXIPKernel package...
*Cleaning Windows Mobile Kernel Package...*
*Applying Advanced Tweaks...*
*Running Platformrebuilder...*
*Applying Add2 Files Changes...*
*Setting the correct file attributes...*
*Generating IMGFS file from DUMP...*
*Generating the OS.NB file with temporary tools...*
*Generating NBH file...*
*Cleaning up the temporary build folder...*
*The ROM generation for the locale "[0409] English (United States)" has been completed*
*The ROM generation process has completed.*
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Development > ROM/Kitchen Development

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