Originally Posted by 03edge
The blue one, its bigger right? The stock one is soo small, is the black one any bigger then the stock one too?
Yeah the black version is bigger and much better. Check out the program PCMKeyboard, they give you much better keyboards and it gives you an ipod like feel (i.e - You can slide you hand across the keyboard and when you release your finger, that's the letter you select).
Originally Posted by IMTHATGUY704
Hey vega, I have a special request. Could you make a Tampa Bay Buccaneer theme for the mogul. I am trying to get ready for the game this sunday. thanks
I'll work on it if KM doesn't beat me to it first since I can't work on it until later.
Originally Posted by rvillatoro
hey can someone help me out a couple of weeks ago there was an ironman theme, i believe it was ironman3 can someone post this up or direct me to where i need to go, been looking for it but had no luck
Are you sure that was in this thread??? I don't recall a ironman theme in this thread cause I know I didn't make one and I don't recall KM making one either.