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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 12:13 AM
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Re: Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker and EV 1X Icons

Looking forward to that one!! I can't create my own cab file and can't figure how to change the EV icon (I'm using v5 I think, and love all the icons but the EV, don't care for the orb) so I'm jazzed about this one! Any idea when you releasing it?

Thanks again for the next level stuff...
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 03:57 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

For taskbar3 still playing with the colors but here is a preview (just a rough draft only images will not look as blury)

Last edited by tsowen; 02-08-2009 at 04:20 AM.
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 07:07 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by ManUtd07 View Post
I hate to admit defeat, but after what seems like forever trying to change my start icon, I just cannot do it. When I try to sign my shellres.192.dll file there is no Error/Succeed message in the text file created so I do not know if it failed or not. I'm assuming it did. Sprint TP/VGA. Could someone please make this into a start icon for me. It would be much appreciated. The image is called ringglobe and here's the link.

Also, great work on the taskbar icons. All are working perfectly for me.
Here you are i made a cab for quick install i wont be using testing it so ill include the file too along with some sports ones i made..
Attached Files
File Type: rar shellres.192.dll.0409.rar (239.4 KB, 22 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab Dsh897 ManUtd07 start menu.cab (866.4 KB, 37 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: rar FSU Babeball.rar (244.6 KB, 13 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: rar FSU Spear.rar (240.5 KB, 12 views) Click for barcode!
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 10:58 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Hey Everyone! I have created some start menu icons...some are old, some aren't. I used for the base Nelly's shellres.192.dll and just changed the start icon itself! Yes, they are kinda girlie-girl

So, if you want to see the rest of the icon's check out Nelly's post! Here is the post http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...6&postcount=18

Anyhow, the start icons are shown below and I have attached a big zip file with all of them enclosed! I cabbed em all up for y'all!

Thank you very much, Nelly for the icons! Awesome job!

Attached Files
File Type: zip Start Icons.zip (6.69 MB, 73 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by MaryGladys; 02-08-2009 at 11:22 PM.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 10:31 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Quick question that is probably answered but I sure don't remember seeing it...

I want my taskbar like I had it before, where if you click on an icon it only opens up the properties for that icon and not the HTC screen that allows you to be redundant and choose again. Here is a screenshot of my TF3D:

When I click on an icon (battery, Activesync, etc.) I get this screen:

I know I did it before on one of the stock roms, but I did not make note of what I did and cannot remember. What I want is to click on the battery and the proerties for power come up without the HTC screen.

Can someone please help me?
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 03:43 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Perhaps a new set of Ev/1x icons coming soon...

AKA: Misfortun

If you are a fan of my work, please feel free to .

Misfortune Taskbar v2.0

Misfortune Taskbar v1.0

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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by Golgofier View Post
Hey guys!
I've been trying out different versions of tsowen taskbar on my Xperia x1i (GSM) and I seem to be having some rather strange problems. Tried tsowentaskbar3v1.1, tsowentaskbar3v1.3 and tsowentaskbar5v1.7.

They all install fine and everything seems to be working ok but it is making my device act unstable, especially after soft resets it will hang or some plugins on today screen wont load properly. Often I will have to soft reset 3-4 times before everything works as it should. I'm 99.9% sure its because of the taskbar because I never have these problems with it uninstalled.

I have sdkcerts installed, no nuepowerdriver (is there a gsm version?) and NO other battery apps like finixnover so nothing should be conflicting with tsowentb.

Any thoughts? I'd really love the look of these icons, (great job tsowen!) so getting it to work properly would be awesome. Thanks!
Since you are running with the Xperia x1i you might run into a few problems since my cab installs the HTCVolumecontrol.dll and I am not sure if this is compatible with your device however the other files should be pretty standard. First since you are GSM the nuepowerdriver will not work properly but with the registry edits posted on the first post this will be the work around for this method, secondly look into your /Windows file and tell me if you have the shellres.192.dll and a shellres.192.dll.0409.mui if you do then delete the .mui file and soft reset. You will not need the HTCVolumecontrol.dll so this you may delete as well. Try these two and tell me how your phone acts, it might be the added dll causing conflict I don't know. If you continue to eperience more problems then I might have to take a trip over to XDA and look at some of the ROM files there to see if you have any specific files that we might have missed. So far on the taskbar's have been tried out on most HTC Devices and work with minor glitches such as the HTC Touch HD. Thank you for your feedback as this helps us continue to improve and hopefully with your feedback it will help us in developing device specific taskbar's or help us point users with different devices to the correct files and settings.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 09:21 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

hey Misfortune wut do you think of this icon
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File Type: jpg ev icon.jpg (8.4 KB, 106 views) Click for barcode!
  #129 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 10:01 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by chappy View Post
Ok, same problem here with Mighty Rom 4.9.4. No signal icon to speak of with taskbar 3 1.4 or 1.3. I've tried replacing all the dll's and such, sdkcerts was installed. The odd thing is, other taskbars work fine. I can replace it with other signal icons, but not the one that matches taskbar3. The one from 2 works fine, the ones from 4 and 5 work fine, but not the one that matches 3.
I'm going to have to look into this and get with the Chef on his ROM. Its weird that some work and others don't I will have a look at the dll and compare it to taskbar 5. Give me about a day and hopefully I will have something. Your Sprint with a TP?

Check your Registry setting and see if it is set to 5, if so maybe set it to 7 and soft reset.
<characteristic type="HKCU\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction\CDMA" translation="filesystem">
<parm name="SignalStrengthLevel" datatype="integer" value="5"/>

5 = Telus Thick bars
7= Sprint Skinny Bars

Last edited by tsowen; 02-09-2009 at 10:07 PM.
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Here is a great example of something i spent a bit of time on, and am not sure i like the final result.

This would be the in call signal strength icon, each bar would show up according to how strong your signal is.

Last edited by Misfortune; 02-09-2009 at 11:06 PM.
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