Ok I am not sure where this is supposed to go this seems like the most sensible place. I am not even sure what to CALL what I want. Today Screen??
the PPC 6700 is my first PDA phone. I am a sanyo guy

LOVE my 8400 but I love my tethering even more so I was finally able to find an affordable 6700 Yipee
First I AM LOVING the form factor. I hate texting. I hate it with a passion. With a keyboard thats gonna change

My issue was typing it out on that damned keypad.
I LOVE the large screen. And therein lies my big problem. I LOVE things "pretty" but also very simple.
It seems that although these phones have this GORGEOUS nearly 3 inch screen it seems they are quite the opposite in there USAGE of that gorgeous screen IE it completely fails to even USE the screen. Grrrr
So first. Incoming calls. it sucks. that little thumbnail is smaller than the external screen on my 8400
When I flashed to the new wm6.1 rom I was suggested to install the Slide to Open thingu S2U or something like that.
BIG improvement. I also LOVE the on screen answer ignore buttons. I have massive hands so while the size of the phone is a non issue its a royal PITA to get to those ALL the way at the bottom answer ignore buttons.
but it still only uses a fraction of the screen for the incoming picture ID. I would like it to fill the screen 240x320 100% of it. Overlay the phone number and make the buttons translucent. Is there a way for me to do this? can I skin this thing myself?
Ok Second wish.
the "main screen" I hate it. Don't like the today screen don't like all the stuff. I want a full screen 240x320 background image (all the way to top and bottom and left and right) and not this washed out whited background image. all the "stuff" should be overlayed on top etc.. just like on a regular phone.
Most of its actually ok I can just turn them off. I kind of like the wifi bt indicators. they are subtle but they are white and do not show up well at all.
Can I get more control? such as make the time slightly larger but ONLY the time and move it to the right etc.. Like you can on a regular phone. IE I like seeing the pictures

call it foolish but I pay good money for it and want it to look nice to me

Is there a way to do these things?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!