I create touch panel GUIs (Crestron) as part of my day job, and I was pretty happy when I found the wisbar advance desktop software.
Here is my first effort, done for the Touch, which uses the LG Prada plug-in as a starting point. I have included the original style icons for the today screen, as well as some of my own and a set of narrower icons so I can fit five along the bottom.
The buttons and functions, from the left, that I have set up at this moment: WA3 task bar+task manager; page flip to alternate Today screen; backlight loop; launch browser; Programs.
I've included the HTC backgrounds and templates, and my PDF'd notes on how to get started with this. I haven't had luck with the (non-existant?) WAD export-import thing, so this is the best way to do it. And more fun (does lego come pre-assembled? of course not).
There are backgrounds with grids for aligning the icons, and I've thrown in some left-handed "return" icons for those who want to make a left-handed version.
The plug-in at the top on my today screen is phoneAlarm and the text below is rlToday.
I hope at least a few can make use of this.
While all it needs is WAD, some of the function calls that I use require WA3 to be installed.