wow looks nice! i really like that theme!... to move that up i would suggest 2 things
1.extend today height.. i cant remember i think its 90ish now if u want the date that size add about 30 to whatever is currently there..
2. create another background for the date... if you go thru the folder of icons you will notice an icon called clockbg or something similar to so (as in background) then use the similar setup u have and adjust the 3 number in each row (vertical height)...
so say its like Clock =1,23,35, ..... change the 35 to and add whatever u added above (30 ish) so they all stay the same...
finally imo i kinda think it would look cool if it overlapped in the bottom right hand corner
if you post the new skin you created i can help ya out
If someone helps ya them!