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Old 11-29-2007, 05:56 AM
Chef Ben's Avatar
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Dear Santa, All I want for X-Mas is...

To be able to use my HTC Home with giant Wisebar Desktop icons at the bottom.
Currently, under my HTC home I have my Live Search text entry bar. Then under that is my Pocket Sports Center. However, there is nothing below that which leaves me approx. 1/4 of my screen unused. I want to get rid of my soft keys Calender (left) and iContacts (right) and use those big icons I've seen.
Basically, I want this...

but I want a calender icon (left) & this "corded phone" icon (right) that will launch my calender & iContacts, respectively. Hell, if a Comm Manager icon could be squeezed between 'em that would be even better.

What program and icon set do I need to accomplish this? I'm not a total stranger to this but still learning...so a brief "how-to" would be extremely useful as well.

Last edited by Chef Ben; 11-29-2007 at 05:25 PM.
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