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Old 12-13-2008, 08:21 AM
caddieguy02's Avatar
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Crazy Matrix game 12/13/08

Your task in this interactive game is to get all LED's glowing together, by logically deducing the correct combination of switches.

The Matrix is a system consisting of switches and LED's, which are internally connected to each other. Your task is to get all LED's glowing together.

As the electronics technician hasn't left a wiring diagram, it's up to you to deduce which switches have to be activated. There's always exactly one correct solution for each case.
If you know the solution state of a switch, you can lock it per Tap'n'Hold. To change the background just tap on a free area.

To keep you busy, the Matrix is randomly rewired for every new game. The difficulty level is freely selectable from 4 to 25 switches.

If you are stuck, you can choose between three help options:
1. A short hint, to help you figure out the next logical step on your own.
2. Display the next logical step completely.
3. The complete solution will be displayed.

To clearly indicate, which switches and LED 's are meant in the help, they are signified by numbers, wherein the sequence runs from left to right and from top to bottom.

Available languages: English and German.
Attached Files
File Type: zip CrazyMatrix.zip (175.6 KB, 61 views) Click for barcode!
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