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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

I don't like his games, but I also don't care if he posts them. I think what annoys people is the way he does it (and his history of spamming multiple forums).... He tries to pass his games off like they're something revolutionary when they're actually more like demos of old school nintendo type games. And he often misleads people with his titles and descriptions. On top of that, he erupts at you for the smallest comment like a drama queen.

And no, developers aren't leaving winmo because of comments. They're leaving winmo because Microsoft has left it to die and has already moved on to Windows Phone 7 a long time ago. Developers are just following consumers.

IMO you'd get "bashed" even more on iPhone and Android forums. WinMo users are a little more forgiving towards poor gfx because it's really not a good gaming platform. Peace.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 12:18 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Rogelio I don't think folks comments about graphics are directed at the quality of the video itself, it's that the graphics resemble old 8 bit gaming systems. If you want to beat the iPhone in gaming, you will have to step up our game in that arena

Good Job though, WM needs developers to keep it a viable platform. Keep on keeping on.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 12:22 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

rogelio rios - please ignore the complainers and continue on your path. Most of the people who complain on these forums have absolutely nothing to contribute themselves besides a few angry keyboard clicks. Thank you for sharing some of your games for free and if you choose to charge a fee (ridiculously small fee I should point out) for some of them - you have a full right to do so. Keep up the good work and keep making and improving those games especially if you like it and sharing them with the community!
If I helped you, I am not asking you to press any buttons to thank me. Just return a favor by helping someone too.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 12:42 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by Gorby View Post
and if you choose to charge a fee (ridiculously small fee I should point out) for some of them - you have a full right to do so.
Actually...from the rules: 4) Spam (Zero Tolerance Rule*)
Do not post any spam in any of the forums. If a thread or post is labeled as spam, you will be banned from the site. Also do not advertise your business here; this is a site about sharing not about making money off the community. You are allowed to sell devices in the market place, PPCGeeks nor the staff will be held liable for any transactions.

I'm not a mod here and I have nothing against Rios or his games, but if you're going to make posts about them every couple days you should at least be honest about why you're doing it. Whatever he charges or how 'ridiculous' it may be, it isn't free and it should be noted in his posts and placed in the proper subforum.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 12:57 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
<snip..> I'm not a mod here <snip...>
You are correct.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 01:59 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Miami _Son
1st) I released alot of freeware over the past year when developers started leaving windows mobile because of people like you here is a list of all the free games.
Tigerwoods girls
KreHol pong
Obama vs. bush
Space Wars
Supermario Jump
Gears of War demo
Bongy Adventure
Plus many more
Yes you do have something against me since you keep spamming my thread arguing with everyone. Since you think your a Moderator , please go ahead and post 1 more comment on this thread. If you do I promise you understand you is who here. I paid my dues whether its helping people or posting free games. All you do is complain. Post one more time and you be very close to being banned since you think its a joke. Please just one more time Miami , that way I dont have to see you again.
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 02:15 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

As requested...

I do a lot for WinMo developers. I am on my third WinMo phone and 5th WinMo device since 2003. I have bought, tried and suffered with a lot of WinMo programs during that time and posted lots of feedback over the years to help with development (not here so much, but on other PPC forums and one I mod).

I have no problem with your stuff other than if you're selling it then you should say so and maybe it doesn't belong in this particular subforum and certainly not twice in two days. I didn't make rule #4. Notice I have not said anything bad about your software, that wasn't my intent.

Not sure why you think yourself so powerful as to be able to get me banned, but go right ahead. I thought this was a community, not a fiefdom. Would you rather I had reported the post? That seems a cowardly way to deal with it. I prefer to be up front. Sorry you can't handle constructive criticism. BTW, you should thank me for keeping this thread on the 1st page (and over 650 views), unlike the previous one that is already on page 3. I guess I'll be going, now. Buh-bye.

Last edited by Miami_Son; 07-14-2010 at 02:19 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 02:25 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by quick99si View Post
My momma always dun said, DOHC>SOHC
Well than your momma didn't kno very much...

480whp D16 yes, I make you B series fanboys cry an moan on a daily basis lol... Well, my GT3567R helps me out some, and that's only 22psi w/ 750cc injectors... If I actually built my head, threw in 1000cc's, and up't the boost to 30psi it could get even uglier for you guys hahaha... Oh and yeah, that's on pump gas...

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:26 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
As requested...

I do a lot for WinMo developers. I am on my third WinMo phone and 5th WinMo device since 2003. I have bought, tried and suffered with a lot of WinMo programs during that time and posted lots of feedback over the years to help with development (not here so much, but on other PPC forums and one I mod).

I have no problem with your stuff other than if you're selling it then you should say so and maybe it doesn't belong in this particular subforum and certainly not twice in two days. I didn't make rule #4. Notice I have not said anything bad about your software, that wasn't my intent.

Not sure why you think yourself so powerful as to be able to get me banned, but go right ahead. I thought this was a community, not a fiefdom. Would you rather I had reported the post? That seems a cowardly way to deal with it. I prefer to be up front. Sorry you can't handle constructive criticism. BTW, you should thank me for keeping this thread on the 1st page (and over 650 views), unlike the previous one that is already on page 3. I guess I'll be going, now. Buh-bye.
You mod??...I call BS. That site must have like 2 members...if you consider Rios 2-3 post to be spam. know what, I might just start begging the MODS right along with you to create a "Trash", i mean "Tilt" forum, so we don't have to see you in these threads.

Please Mods...Please... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=127563
Krehol Games makes the best Iphone Games

  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 10:40 AM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

This thread has went way off course so I am going to close it down. In the future just an FYI to everyone if you feel something is spam the easiest thing to do is report it and let the mods decide rather it is spam or not this is what the moderators are for and keeps a thread like this turning into a flame fest and a he-said-she-said thread.
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