Originally Posted by Miami_Son
As requested...
I do a lot for WinMo developers. I am on my third WinMo phone and 5th WinMo device since 2003. I have bought, tried and suffered with a lot of WinMo programs during that time and posted lots of feedback over the years to help with development (not here so much, but on other PPC forums and one I mod).
I have no problem with your stuff other than if you're selling it then you should say so and maybe it doesn't belong in this particular subforum and certainly not twice in two days. I didn't make rule #4. Notice I have not said anything bad about your software, that wasn't my intent.
Not sure why you think yourself so powerful as to be able to get me banned, but go right ahead. I thought this was a community, not a fiefdom. Would you rather I had reported the post? That seems a cowardly way to deal with it. I prefer to be up front. Sorry you can't handle constructive criticism. BTW, you should thank me for keeping this thread on the 1st page (and over 650 views), unlike the previous one that is already on page 3. I guess I'll be going, now. Buh-bye. 
You mod??...I call BS. That site must have like 2 members...if you consider Rios 2-3 post to be spam. know what, I might just start begging the MODS right along with you to create a "Trash", i mean "Tilt" forum, so we don't have to see you in these threads.

Please Mods...Please...