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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 03:53 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
My momma always told me, sharing is caring... =)
So did mine, but she also taught me that it's not sharing when you are charging for it.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
Well, posting the same basic thing twice in two days (instead of just bumping the first thread) is not acceptable in any of the other 3 forums I moderate. And the games are NOT free, he is charging for at least one of them. That makes this SPAM in my book. As for the spelling, I would agree, if it were just in the title. Since he uses the same mispelling in the text of his messages it tells me he doesn't know how to spell it correctly, despite my having corrected him in the first thread. If people want to go through life appearing ignorant, fine by me.
Keep up the good work Moderator, looks like pretty soon you will become one here at ppcgeeks.If the only thing you have against him is bad spelling, WOW you got some work to do buddy.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
So did mine, but she also taught me that it's not sharing when you are charging for it.

hmmm.... i noticed you posted a thread complaining that nothing in this forum works for your phone and begged the mods to make a special forum for the At&t Tilt.. So why are you still coming to this forum??

Your complaining about spam in a forum that's not even related to your phone. You're like the only moron on at&t that didn't get the iphone....kick rocks.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 06:07 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

No disrespect but those games look embarrasing. Even my SNES has better graphics, control, and fun value.

Hell, thre are really simple games for the iphone that are fun to play/addictive. Take Doodle Jump for example. I'd love to have Scrabble or Words with Friends on my TP2. What gives?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 06:14 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
My momma always told me, sharing is caring... =)

My momma always dun said, DOHC>SOHC
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 06:18 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by abdeviation View Post
No disrespect but those games look embarrasing. Even my SNES has better graphics, control, and fun value.

Hell, thre are really simple games for the iphone that are fun to play/addictive. Take Doodle Jump for example. I'd love to have Scrabble or Words with Friends on my TP2. What gives?
Would Scrobble do it for you?

  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by BBHOLIDAY View Post
hmmm.... i noticed you posted a thread complaining that nothing in this forum works for your phone and begged the mods to make a special forum for the At&t Tilt.. So why are you still coming to this forum??

Your complaining about spam in a forum that's not even related to your phone. You're like the only moron on at&t that didn't get the iphone....kick rocks.
I've actually managed to adapt a lot of what I've read in here to my Tilt 2. And I never wanted an iPhone. Guess I'm not so much of a moron after all.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by fakeguy View Post
I had Scrobble on my Incite and it worked well. My Tilt 2 came with Scrabble already on it and it was easy to hack so I can play it without it being in Trial mode. If you like word games try Wordly. Addictive, maddening and fun. I tried the trial version and bought it the next day. Available on Marketplace (oops, is that SPAM?).
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Ok to address some silly issues
1st) To those who are mad at my paid games which are only 99 cents. Obviously you havent been here long enough , I released at least freeware 10-12 games before that. Its funny you people who have a problem with me forgot to mention that fact.
2nd) Iam pretty sure you people who say my graphics suck realize I video recorded it on my phone. Its obvious you are just looking to attack any way you can , because Iam sure you seen phone video and its not as clear as the game itself.
3rd) If you claim not to like my games, why follow me all over the place?
Hahahaha all I got to say is its because of people like you windows mobile is dying. Developers work to make games and all you do is bash them. Of course developers leave windows mobile when they get tired of some people who wine and complain. What developer would make games for ungrateful people? Most people like my games ,so I could care less what idiots might say. Why did I respond? To let you know its you crap talking that are messing up windows mobile. You crap talkers are the reason developers are leaving to android and iphone. Your the reason you dont see any progress on your windows mobile device. So dont complain about windows mobile , your the ones who messed it up!!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by rogelio rios View Post
Ok to address some silly issues
1st) To those who are mad at my paid games which are only 99 cents. Obviously you havent been here long enough , I released at least freeware 10-12 games before that. Its funny you people who have a problem with me forgot to mention that fact.
2nd) Iam pretty sure you people who say my graphics suck realize I video recorded it on my phone. Its obvious you are just looking to attack any way you can , because Iam sure you seen phone video and its not as clear as the game itself.
3rd) If you claim not to like my games, why follow me all over the place?
Hahahaha all I got to say is its because of people like you windows mobile is dying. Developers work to make games and all you do is bash them. Of course developers leave windows mobile when they get tired of some people who wine and complain. What developer would make games for ungrateful people? Most people like my games ,so I could care less what idiots might say. Why did I respond? To let you know its you crap talking that are messing up windows mobile. You crap talkers are the reason developers are leaving to android and iphone. Your the reason you dont see any progress on your windows mobile device. So dont complain about windows mobile , your the ones who messed it up!!
I hear you, man. If it were me, I'd just ignore it. They're jsut trying to get a rise out of you, and they'll always have some negative thing to say. Just cruise on and appreciate the users who enjoy your work.

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