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Old 07-13-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: New 2010 windows mobile games youtube videos, lets beat iphone

Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
Well, posting the same basic thing twice in two days (instead of just bumping the first thread) is not acceptable in any of the other 3 forums I moderate. And the games are NOT free, he is charging for at least one of them. That makes this SPAM in my book. As for the spelling, I would agree, if it were just in the title. Since he uses the same mispelling in the text of his messages it tells me he doesn't know how to spell it correctly, despite my having corrected him in the first thread. If people want to go through life appearing ignorant, fine by me.
Keep up the good work Moderator, looks like pretty soon you will become one here at ppcgeeks.If the only thing you have against him is bad spelling, WOW you got some work to do buddy.
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