Originally Posted by mlin
I'm curious, which of your phones do you use the most?
I carry both at all times. I use my iPhone for very social things like Twitter and facebook and web browsing. I also get my exchange email on my iPhone. I'll use it simply to just check messages. It's a work phone as well so I'm very careful about what information I put on it.
My touch pro on the other hand serves as my Swiss army knife of sorts. I always keep a full version of wmwifirouter installed for tethering emergencies, I use twikini for heavy Twitter sessions. I only write emails on my tp because the keyboard is simply amazing. I have garmin mobile xt for my navigation. However now that my iPhone supports tethering, ATT navigator, and landscape keyboard I'm sad to say I'm carrying my tp less and less. Once google voice opens up I might not carry it at all. I'm eagerly awaiting the tp2 becUse I feel like it's going to solve all of my issues with the tp (small screen, OVERHEATING, rediculous size, bad build quality)