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View Poll Results: What VZW phone should i get?
The Mogul/xv6800 5 2.50%
The Vogue/xv6900 6 3.00%
The Touch Pro 72 36.00%
The Omnia 39 19.50%
The Touch Diamond 19 9.50%
BB Storm 8 4.00%
stick with apache until TP2 51 25.50%
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2009, 10:59 PM
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Which is the best phone for verizon?

I bought an apache about a year ago and it has been solid but around christmas time i bought the Samsung Saga. This phone has had its ups and downs but for the most part i liked it. The saga that i bought recently broke and i am waiting for a replacement to come in which i plan to sell on ebay. I am selling the phone because i am eligible for an upgrade so i wont have to give an arm and a leg for a new phone. All of this brings me to ask this question which phone is the best available for Verizon.

The Vogue: the vogue seems pretty nice i like the ram but lack of Wifi is a problem but i do have unlimited Data. also the phone is kind of old

The Mogul: the mogul is really old and alot of people complain about the ram plus it may not even be offered in stores anymore.

The Touch Pro: The pro is ridiculously expensive and i would refuse to pay that much for it unless i get a ridiculous over payment for my saga.

The Omnia: This is the phone that i wanted the most. there are alot of upsides but i would still love a physical qwerty. I recently played with one at a verizon store and it wasnt completely what i expected. but it is still the head runner right now especially since it has the internal 8gb plus i have and 8gb microSD.

The Touch Diamond: This phone seems like a middle finger to verizon smartphone customers but just for SHlTS and giggles i decided to put it in here. but yea.

BB storm: I havent heard much about this phone and i heard mixed reviews from what i did hear but it does seem interesting except for the battery life which is a major downfall.

so these are the options pretty slim huh the last option would be to stay with the apache until the TP2 comes to verizon which would be very late.
Derryck A.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2009, 11:10 PM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?

I have an omnia i910. To be honest, sometimes I miss a hardware keyboard. However, with fingerkeyboard 2.1, I'm missing it less and less everyday. Not to mention that the ROM cooking is on the rise, and that anyday now Verizon can release an official ROM for it, I think its perfect. It is fast, and the camera is amazing (something that it has all the other phones you are looking at beat in).The thing is, aesthetically it is perfect (you will love how slim it is). The memory comes in handy. One thing to note: it overheats with too much use(like playing games or using the internet for more than an hour). It is also cheaper than the diamond or touch pro, which I consider its only real competitors in the PPC field. The battery will last 2 days with light use and email. Anyway, hope I helped you with your decision. In the end, its up to what you like the most. Just my 2 cents

Last edited by carpcmelee; 05-25-2009 at 11:15 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2009, 11:50 PM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?

Originally Posted by carpcmelee View Post
I have an omnia i910. To be honest, sometimes I miss a hardware keyboard. However, with fingerkeyboard 2.1, I'm missing it less and less everyday. Not to mention that the ROM cooking is on the rise, and that anyday now Verizon can release an official ROM for it, I think its perfect. It is fast, and the camera is amazing (something that it has all the other phones you are looking at beat in).The thing is, aesthetically it is perfect (you will love how slim it is). The memory comes in handy. One thing to note: it overheats with too much use(like playing games or using the internet for more than an hour). It is also cheaper than the diamond or touch pro, which I consider its only real competitors in the PPC field. The battery will last 2 days with light use and email. Anyway, hope I helped you with your decision. In the end, its up to what you like the most. Just my 2 cents
that post was very helpful and was what i was looking for. i wanted a detailed review of the phone so i could know what i was getting. so i want to wait for a couple days before i make my decision but the omnia is still in the lead
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 11:22 AM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?

I bought my i910 about 3 months ago and I love it!! Yes, the virtual qwerty keyboard has a learning curve at first but once you're used to it, it comes easy. Disadvantage about that is that once you do get used to it, and if you're a fast texter, that keyboard can't and will not keep up with you BUT, I would recommend FKBD 2.1 w/ Omega's skins. Its MUCH faster and will keep up with you!!
As far as battery life, it is on the downside a wee bit but I've flashed my rom about 4 times and one thing that I notice in that department as that flashed roms tend to last long as far as batt life is concerned. True, if you're a heavy user(internet, games, videos, backlight) then it will fade quickly. There are settings that you can adjust to help conserve. Another thing I hate is that Samsung DID NOT use a universal USB jack.
Its very slim, gotta love that!! Other than that, I would definitely recommend this phone to people. On a scale from 1-10, I'd give it a 7.5 but if you flash it, depending on what rom you flash it too, I'd say 9.0!! The potential of this phone is so great its crazy!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?

from the two replies that I got, it shows that the omnia is a really good phone and I will most likely be gettingthat phone. thabk you both for the replies.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 01:51 PM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?

Originally Posted by Derrycka79 View Post
from the two replies that I got, it shows that the omnia is a really good phone and I will most likely be gettingthat phone. thabk you both for the replies.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 03:29 PM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?


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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 05:13 PM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?

I definately think that the Omnia or the Storm is you best bet. I have the Touch Pro from Alltel and it is very very slow and sometimes it randomly restarts. I have played with the Omnia and it seemed very stable and the camera was awesome!!! And i have read that the Blackberry is very stable and i went and played with it and it was. The bad thing about the Blackberry Storm is the surepress screen. It feels like it takes a little more force than it should to "push" the buttons. Overall i would get the Blackberry just because is dont like my touch pro and windows mobile that much.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Which is the best phone for verizon?

I started with a Samsung i730 WM2003SE that I put WM5 on when VZW released the update>6700>Vogue>Touch Diamond.

I miss my Vogue, it has such a nice small footprint compared to the Diamond, I never missed the WiFi, and I never use the WiFi on my Diamond. The only thing I like more about my Diamond is the G-Sensor and the resolution. I'd say hold out for the TP2, but VZW will likely lower the resolution of the camera and take out the VGA CMOS camera for video conferencing. Why do they insist Americans wouldn't like that when they've never even given us the option? Anyway, I've never missed the physical keyboard once I left the 6700, and can't imaging getting another handset with a keyboard. It's just added weight that isn't necessary.
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