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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 03:46 PM
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Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro, some questions for you guys using 'em

Ok, I have had nothing but headaches with my XV6800. I am on Verizon and I am thinking about upgrading to the Touch Pro.

I had a few questions for you TP users.
  1. Hows the GPS on the TP? does it stay active while the phone is in "standby" (when the display is off, but phone is on) Is it true aGPS on verizon? Are you able to use NMEA programs like google maps and Mobile XT with the GPS chip?
  2. I am wanting to do some GeoCaching with this phone (which was my plans for my XV6800, but that didnt work). Are any of you guys using the phone for Geocaching?
  3. Is it "laggy" on a stock rom?\
  4. How much better is it than my XV6800? as in performance, GPS, and the like.
  5. Are you happy with it?
Again, thanks in advance for any answers!

Yup, Thats the actual speeds I get from my 1U production server
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro, some questions for you guys using 'em

i can say google maps is amazing!! gps idont rely use so idk and geocaching?... idk wat that is lol but there stock rom not rely laggy you can always upgrade to a WAY BETTER one rely easily.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro, some questions for you guys using 'em

the mogul doesnt come close to the pro, yes google maps work with gps, no the stock rom isnt slow if ya apply simple tweaks, i am on the stock rom and have used custom but theres always a update on a fix that the last one forgot.... i feel the pros (htc) made the perfect rom, some like speed (they are fast and responsive) but i couldnt deal with the constant freezing of too many taps that i found with every custom rom i tried.... its a sweeeeeeeeet phone and i wouldnt trade it for a car.llol well maybe
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 03:57 PM
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Re: Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro, some questions for you guys using 'em

I use google maps and live search w my touch pro both work great.. even though my provider is metro pcs... I have seen GeoCaching for the TP on some sites although i dont do it I am sure it is done and can be done...never had an XV6800 so dont no how much better but I do know the TP is awesome if you enjoy windows based phones... as for stock rom I dont have the answer to that either as I didnt use the stock for very long but I dont remember it being bad at all...the GPS works pretty good..again concider I use Metro pcs as a provider so I use live search and google maps for gps and they do very very well....
I LOVE MY TOUCH PRO.. but I went from a basic phone for text/call only to the touch pro which does every thing except cook and clean my house lol
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 04:24 PM
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Re: Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro, some questions for you guys using 'em

Wow. Those responses were quick! Thanks.

Does the GPS still stay active while the display is powered off?

Do you know if you are getting aGPS on the device? I mean, with aGPS locks would be extremely quick.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro, some questions for you guys using 'em

Originally Posted by BooDaddy View Post
Wow. Those responses were quick! Thanks.

Does the GPS still stay active while the display is powered off?

Do you know if you are getting aGPS on the device? I mean, with aGPS locks would be extremely quick.
yes. the GPS remains active even when the display is off.

I use quickGPS, a build in application. it takes advantage of your network to determine your position much faster. you can set it to a manual or an automatic dowmload (few kb each download, I do it manually once a day). it works for me very fast with IGO8 3D.

I am having the HTC TP for a few weeks now (I had Nokia N95), and I am very satisfied.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 03:56 AM
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Re: Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro, some questions for you guys using 'em

Geocaching - I use BasicGPS on my Touch Pro. It works with internal or stand-alone GPS. BasicGPS is capable of loading GPX files from Geocaching.com. I have the same information available on my Touch Pro via BasicGPX that I have on my DeLorme PN-40.
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!
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