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View Poll Results: Will u be replacing your Touch Pro with Palm Pre?
YeS 55 30.90%
No 123 69.10%
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  #211 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: touch pro vs. palm pre

I agree... This is such a personal decision.
I really like the way the Pre looks. I like the form function and the sliding keyboard, the size, the screen, the charging stone, etc etc etc.
I showed it to my wife and she hated it.
no way no how.
She was using my old Touch and when I upgraded her to the Touch pro... She absolutely loved it. I got the Pro2 and thought she would want one and she will not get it. She said it's a man's phone.

Different strokes I guess.

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  #212 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 04:56 PM
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Re: touch pro vs. palm pre

Being the cheap bastard that I am I'm sticking w the TP. The cheapest plan you can use w the pre is $60/mo... I'm on a basic phone plan w unlimited data ($45/mo). That extra $15/mo means $360 over the course of 2 years.

The 2 big advantages of the pre in my eyes are the fact that it's a native touch device (OS was built to be touch centric and it's got a capacitive screen) and it has a faster processor. WM is slowly being converted to being touch friendly but it's still not 100% there and the processor is pretty lacking if trying to surf full desktop style websites (IMHO).

Edit: Looks like the cheapest pre plan is actually $70/mo... so the pre would cost me $600 more over 2 years.

Last edited by apinkel; 12-01-2009 at 05:05 PM.
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  #213 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: touch pro vs. palm pre

What about looking at a device like the Samsung Momentum? Its priced a little less than the Pre, has a keyboard, and is running a standard flavor of Android 1.5. If you don't like Android, there is also the TP2.

The only downside I see to WebOS is the lack of app developers Android, WM or BB have atm. But, the Pre does have a nice interface.
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  #214 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: touch pro vs. palm pre

well coming from wm.. touch, diamond, tp, 6700, mogul,.etc..

I have found the pre to be awesome.. does everything i need to do. and does it better and quicker than wm ever did.. of course..my use my be limited to most. people..

1. pandora rocks
2. love mulittasking,
3. love the screen. size is just right.. not to big and not to small..
4. ya the keyboard sucks.. but ive grown used to it. and now prefer hard keyboards..
5. the build quality does seem cheap.. but just bout every phone ive had felt cheap..cept the 6700 that was a tank,.lol

as far as apps. who cares. i dont need nine million apps to chose from.. only need a handful that i use anyway..

I kinda look at it this way..

when i had wm i had so much stuff installed. gps.. webbrowsers. games.. video players.. etc.. I only used maybe 10% of the stuff i had installed.. so took that into account. and now use the few programs on my pre.. and have one hell of a solid phone.. and get way better battery life with the extended battery..

anyway.. i pay 59 a month..for this line to use the pre.. but basicly have unlimited calling now thanks to any mobile.. and have sprint nav now.. with suits me fine..

atm im a very happy pre owner. i get to upgrade 2/1/2010 sprint so if i get anything then it will prolly be something with a hard keyboard.. prolly a tp2 to play around with.. as i dont really see myself going to android anytime soon.. who knows...

but outta the 2 tp or a pre.. me pre hands down.. but only u can answer that question.. the fun part is trying to decide.. good luck
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  #215 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 06:58 PM
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Re: touch pro vs. palm pre

I agree with a user above, original TP isn't as fun or intuitive as pre. If it was TP2 then we are talking about whole different breed but TP1 isn't as great as Pre for sure.
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  #216 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 06:31 PM
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Re: Replacing HTC touch pro with Palm Pre

Multiple TP vs. Pre threads merged.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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