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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 07:29 PM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Originally Posted by fiyah View Post
While I agree that there are SOME people that are a likely a little insecure, a lot of other people probably just like to show off what their devices can do that other devices cannot. Its that simple. No need to get all Dr. Phil Some people buy gadgets partially so they can show people that they have this and here is what it can do and you can't possibly do that with what you have... so there!
It's not a Dr. Phil comment.. Showing off your phone is fine... It is a cool gadget!

But that is not what the thread is about. Just look at the title.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

I started this thread as simply some harmless fun. But I must say that it does annoy me when I go to work functions, and after-work functions, to have to sit and listen to someone talking about how versitile and entertaining the iPhone is. Usually, how the comparisons/conversations start is someone would see me pull out the Pre-Pro (Mogul) and say "oh you have that? I have the iPhone". "So what does your phone do?" And then the "1up" game starts. Now I know that there are some people that don't brag and boast at every moment they get, but you will never meet those people because of that fact. The ones that I have met are those with that "you gotta see this" attitude and the others are the "I'm here...WITH THE iPHONE!!" type of folks. Now comparing the two phones are like night and day, but that will not stop the matchup from happening. I don't need to feel reassured daily that the phone I picked was a good choice, I am blown away just by the apps and tech support that I get from this website. And this website alone helped me choose WM over apple. Im not the type to shove my phone in people's face every chance I get, and I may be in the majority with most of the people that own a Touch Pro. I look at the Pro as a Bently Coupe and the iPhone as a Lambo. They both do whats expected of them and then some, just some people prefer classy over flashy. Pro users don't go looking for the fight, it usually comes to them. And more times then not, it usually ends in +1 for the Pro, thus why this thread was started. All red tape aside, the iPhone is a sweet phone, but don't think mine isn't as good as yours because its not what you have.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 02:23 PM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Originally Posted by aj48198 View Post
I started this thread as simply some harmless fun. But I must say that it does annoy me when I go to work functions, and after-work functions, to have to sit and listen to someone talking about how versitile and entertaining the iPhone is.
Yeah it's annoying but they way I look at it is that it's best just to ignore it... because it's NOT going to stop.

Yes, iphone users can be a bit annoying (and sometimes ignorant over what is out there) but the iphone market is soooo big, it really is a losing battle if you try to stand up and fight everytime some iphone user "drools" over their device.

I think what the iphone has managed to do it draw in alot of NON-tech people into smartphones. Many of them never really had a cool gadget phone before so to them, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. If they like to "gush" over their newly discovered gadget, that's fine.

We know WMO devices are great and that is good enough for me.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

pulling this a bit back on topic

it was last summer I went into ATT store. I wanted to see the iphone so they gave me the iphone expert. So I said hmmm it is a bit slow. At that time I had just put a dcd rom on my phone and lo and behold the iphone expert said
you have one of those? Its like the tilt and the tilt is the best phone on the market. This is junk but ATT wouldn't give me a tilt. They gave me this crap

LMAO! that was pure win!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 04:17 PM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

A co-worker just picked up his iPhone earlier this week and another just grabed the BB Storm as well. Since they know that I tweak my phone daily, they just decided to bring it to my attention of the new devices they've gotten. As fate would have it, the three of us had a presentation to work on together. We each were given seperate sections to work on though they were all on the same topic. It was a pretty laid back meeting today, basically a training session (yawn..) Anyway those two get up and do their presentations all while making comments about the phone that I have vs the ones that they have. Then it was my turn. I decided to address the phone situation first vs the topic. I started with the storm and basically shot down the device by hooking up the TV out video cable (+1 for the pro) and was running my presentation via the TV Projector and showed the group the capabilities of the TP vs the storm. Now during my conversation, I managed to switch themes from Probex to iDiamond and go straight for the iPhone. Sweet theme BTW. Everything he did, I did using that theme. ALL WHILE STILL BEING PLUGGED INTO THE TV!!!! Now I had them second guessing their phone and to make it worse I slid out the keyboard, typed 'You reach, I teach' in 24 font on winword on a 6x6 screen. 2 BIRDS ONE STONE

Last edited by aj48198; 03-13-2009 at 04:19 PM.
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