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Old 03-06-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

I started this thread as simply some harmless fun. But I must say that it does annoy me when I go to work functions, and after-work functions, to have to sit and listen to someone talking about how versitile and entertaining the iPhone is. Usually, how the comparisons/conversations start is someone would see me pull out the Pre-Pro (Mogul) and say "oh you have that? I have the iPhone". "So what does your phone do?" And then the "1up" game starts. Now I know that there are some people that don't brag and boast at every moment they get, but you will never meet those people because of that fact. The ones that I have met are those with that "you gotta see this" attitude and the others are the "I'm here...WITH THE iPHONE!!" type of folks. Now comparing the two phones are like night and day, but that will not stop the matchup from happening. I don't need to feel reassured daily that the phone I picked was a good choice, I am blown away just by the apps and tech support that I get from this website. And this website alone helped me choose WM over apple. Im not the type to shove my phone in people's face every chance I get, and I may be in the majority with most of the people that own a Touch Pro. I look at the Pro as a Bently Coupe and the iPhone as a Lambo. They both do whats expected of them and then some, just some people prefer classy over flashy. Pro users don't go looking for the fight, it usually comes to them. And more times then not, it usually ends in +1 for the Pro, thus why this thread was started. All red tape aside, the iPhone is a sweet phone, but don't think mine isn't as good as yours because its not what you have.
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