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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 11:53 PM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

i hit the power button.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 12:05 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

When I slide my battery cover and pop in my spare.

Last edited by WorldWide; 02-24-2009 at 12:14 AM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 09:13 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Originally Posted by cal_j View Post
For me it confirms every reason why i never purchased an iphone or ipod touch.
My ipod touch was one of the best things I ever bought. I can use that & not have to carry around 18 batteries for the TouchPro + I connect to the TP with WMwifirouter & use the wonderful Safari setup & very responsive touch screen for browsing the net.

Once I tried using the touch for browsing, all the TP browsers totally sucked in comparison.

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 10:25 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
The ipod screen may not be as high resolution, but guess what -it is just as big & beautiful outside in the direct sun where I can't even see the screen on my TP.
LOL, exactly.

So, for all of you, your answers all begin with

1) I ask him to move inside and then....

I've got both. As long as you are a subterranean cave dweller with hyperfine 20-10 vision and fingers that end in non-scratching stylus points, the TP screen is better.

I see no point in these threads either. The average iPhone user vs any NON-XDA/PPCGeeks WinMo user will be mopping the floor, walls, and ceiling with functionality out of the box. Sure, you and I can take the raw hardware and ripped apart operating system tweaked out like the meth addict down the street and make it "better then an iPhone". Whooo. We win!

Next time you "klill" an iPhone user, ask him when was the last time he reset/rebooted his phone. After he looks at you like you are from Mars, show him the reset button right there on your phone where it's easy to get to. Ask to see the reset button on his iPhone. See, we win again! We have a better reset button!

Meh. These threads are silly.

(Oh, and to the software engineering student - you need to find smarter friends - While the learning curve from 0 to MacOS developer is steep, it's not *that* steep. I'm an old guy with 30+ years of development experience and I managed it without difficulty. The APIs are no more convoluted then the massive Win32 (or god help you, dot net) apis used for Windows Mobile.)
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 11:11 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Anti-glare screen = readable in sun light... (i think i might have adjusted the light sensor to be a little brighter too)

And to all the people who are like why do you do this!?!?! simply to explain I have been a quality product man for awhile. This is a common arguement in the Creative Lab groups too I would never buy an IPod I feel I get a much better quality with a creative lab mp3 player. What irritates me and problem irritates everyone here. Is my phone and my mp3 player are always been called a iphone or a ipod... or better yet an iphone or an Ipod rip off. No if someone said my WinMo phone was a palm rip off I'd understand. But this whole idea that apple invented every major product to come out in the last decade is annoying. Thus these threads start.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Originally Posted by schettj View Post
(Oh, and to the software engineering student - you need to find smarter friends - While the learning curve from 0 to MacOS developer is steep, it's not *that* steep. I'm an old guy with 30+ years of development experience and I managed it without difficulty. The APIs are no more convoluted then the massive Win32 (or god help you, dot net) apis used for Windows Mobile.)
Yea I know... Personaly as a person who taught himself C++ at the age of 10 I found .net to be a rather easy API to use and I'm quite fond of it. The issue right now all CS and SE majors are being taught almost everything in java and java only. These guys cant even make a html document without GoogleWebtool kit. I dont know how the software industry is gonna survive after this next line of Software Engineers get onto the playing feild.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Originally Posted by littlefreak View Post
Anti-glare screen = readable in sun light... (i think i might have adjusted the light sensor to be a little brighter too)

You can't be talking about the TouchPro screen unless yours has a drastically different screen that the three I own.

I don't care what you set the screen brightness at, if you are out in the direct sun it's hard to even tell if the screen is on or off.......

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 12:21 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
You can't be talking about the TouchPro screen unless yours has a drastically different screen that the three I own.

I don't care what you set the screen brightness at, if you are out in the direct sun it's hard to even tell if the screen is on or off.......

Are you on the moon or something? Cuz I live in Florida Id say the sun is perty damn bright here at mid day I sit out side of class in the sun and use my phone. Yes sometimes I have to disable the light sensor and turn the brightness all the way up (kill my battery inturn) but I can see my screen fine anough to read some new articles on opera (medium font no zoom).
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 12:38 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

Look, I love my TouchPro's (that's why I have three of them)

That being said, I find the screen almost totally useless in the bright sun.

I have an eight year old daughter who absolutely loves playing soccer (& to make matters worse, I HATE soccer -I am an NFL football nut) & I would love to be able to kill time on the side of the field using the TP & OperaMini (the closest thing I've found to Safari) I tried repeatedly to use it & it was so frustrating I finally gave up.

At that point, I borrowed another Dad's iphone who happened to be standing there to check my gmail account. The difference in the screen & the two different browsers was night & day. Browsing around using Safari on a screen that doesn't look much different outside in the bright sun as it does indoors is a true pleasure. The larger screen size is nice also (I can't wait for the TP2 with the bigger screen)

I went out the next day & bought a 16 gig Ipod touch & I love the thing.......

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 10:25 AM
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Re: Post your greatest "iKiller" moment!!

There is nothing wrong with the Iphone....I just don't like ATT. If it was available for Sprint with a 70 everything plan, I might consider it. Then again I do love my TP.
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