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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 02:24 PM
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Re: Upgrade to Touch Pro or wait until Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
From what I saw last week, the late Q2 release by HTC is not in the states, but rather in Europe and Asia. I don't think we will see one for a US carrier until mid to late fourth quarter, at best.
+1 If it come out here Im def getting it.


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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: Upgrade to Touch Pro or wait until Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by abrigham View Post
BTW, John - of course your support experience with VZW is superb... you're on a corporate account. Most companies will put their best support people on the business accounts )
That's actually a very good point, but I wasn't always a corporate customer & I have never once had bad service from a VZ tech (I damn sure have from Sprint however, although I hear it has improved somewhat lately).

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 02:46 PM
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Re: Upgrade to Touch Pro or wait until Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
That's actually a very good point, but I wasn't always a corporate customer & I have never once had bad service from a VZ tech (I damn sure have from Sprint however, although I hear it has improved somewhat lately).

that's good to hear that you had good experience even from non-corporate support. i've heard horror stories about all the wireless companies, to be perfectly honest, though. I'm on Sprint and can certainly vouch for the fact that their customer support has improved, though I can't say I've ever had a horrible experience with them at all, and I've been with them for almost 5 years.

Anyway, back on topic, the TP2 looks nice... a good combination of the HD w/ larger screen and TP w/ the hardware keyboard. Considering what many have said that VZW, or even Sprint, probably won't have it until later this year, and the fact that you continue to have issues w/ your Mogul, I'd say go ahead and make the jump to the TP (just get the less crippled Sprint version and port it to VZW).

Last edited by abrigham; 02-24-2009 at 02:51 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 04:00 PM
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Re: Upgrade to Touch Pro or wait until Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by Mylt1 View Post
i doubt vzn will pick it up any time this year. if they do pick it up this year it will probably be last Q and that would be something if they did pick up a phone that quickly.

If they follow the recent trend, VZN is always the last to get the Windows phones made by HTC. The Palm Treo 700w that launched years ago was the only windows phone I remember them getting first.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 04:09 PM
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Re: Upgrade to Touch Pro or wait until Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by AB33 View Post
If they follow the recent trend, VZN is always the last to get the Windows phones made by HTC. The Palm Treo 700w that launched years ago was the only windows phone I remember them getting first.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on VZ.

I will buy one if Sprint gets it & activate it on VZ, the Sprint version will be better anyway.........

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2009, 05:37 PM
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Re: Upgrade to Touch Pro or wait until Touch Pro 2

I didn't see anyone say this yet, but the TP2 steps back on the camera from a 3 MP in the TP to a 2 MP camera while the Diamond2 steps up to a 5 MP camera from a 3 MP camera in the Diamond 1. So that's a non-starter for me with the TP2....waiting for the TP3. I can squeeze more life and live with the mediocre memory on the 6700 and 6800. I tell myself that as I rock myself to sleep in the corner at night. J/K. But yeah, not gonna pay big money on an upgrade until there's a OLED WVGA touchscreen, 5 MP min, keyboard, EVDO-Rev A equiv, wifi, and winmo on Sprint. Add in a snapdragon proc and you really have a winner. I'll stop dreaming now.....

I'd wait for the TP2 to come out, weigh out the differences between the two. TP2 probably has a better keyboard. It looks more like the buttons on the G1 and those seem to work pretty well. TP is narrower due to the smaller screen and has the better cam.

Don't rely on phonescoop or was that phone arena for info. So the TP2 still uses a 3 MP camera like the TP1. So yeah either wait for the TP2 and live with the size (almost like a 6700 in size but taller) or wait further and hope HTC starts using OLED screens. Seriously.....OLED screens kick. Thin, use less power and sunlight readable. I've seen them at a SID conference in Seattle many years ago and jaw dropping display characteristics.
Sprint 6700 - main
1 Sprint Mogul (6800) working unit for the lady
1 Sprint Mogul (6800) flakey as heck unit - build tester

Last edited by 6700noobie; 03-01-2009 at 02:14 AM.
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