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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2008, 03:02 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

oh and funny you should bring up the linux vs. windows thing, I have a friend, a recent ex that I dumped for being an elitist ***-hat, who's calling me a n00b cause I went back to windows after linux. I posted a big rant on my myspace directed at him about why I did it, and I admitted the biggest reason is that im lazy & don't feel like screwing with it all the time to make stuff work. so of course now im no longer 1337. screw him, he smelled anyway. I LIKE linux, I found it very easy to use & was able to pick it up in a day or 2, but I have too many programs that I use that wouldn't run under wine, so I had to go back.

I guess people do have reasons other than stupidity for doing things the easy way, lolz....
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2008, 03:38 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

Honestly, you can assume all you want, but I am not the source of this handset's problems. It was a rushed, half-***** device from the beginning, running a buggy and out-dated OS. What a great combination.

It's all well and nice that I can customize and program this piece of garbage all I want, but in the end, that's all it is, a flashy piece of ****. I shouldn't have to reset a phone multiple times a day to get it to work. I'm not a fanboy, a Mac guy, or a trend follower. I just expect that when I pay over $300 for something, it should do its f^%&ing job.

Perhaps I'm not seeing it in the correct light, whatever. If you like spending your hours trying to get picture mail to work on your 10 pound, brick phone, more power to you. I'm simply fed up with it. I may not get a BB, but if I do, at least I will know that it won't freeze while it charges, that it will actually recognize letters when I type them, that it won't lag when polling the towers so much that I miss calls, etc. etc.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2008, 04:34 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

Originally Posted by kabuk1 View Post
oh and funny you should bring up the linux vs. windows thing, I have a friend, a recent ex that I dumped for being an elitist ***-hat, who's calling me a n00b cause I went back to windows after linux. I posted a big rant on my myspace directed at him about why I did it, and I admitted the biggest reason is that im lazy & don't feel like screwing with it all the time to make stuff work. so of course now im no longer 1337. screw him, he smelled anyway. I LIKE linux, I found it very easy to use & was able to pick it up in a day or 2, but I have too many programs that I use that wouldn't run under wine, so I had to go back.

I guess people do have reasons other than stupidity for doing things the easy way, lolz....
that's refreshing! someone being honest lol

Well i agree, and that's why i don't use wine because it fooks up too much. i don't know for certain if it's a good or bad thing, but we really need both!

So i'm happy with bsd and xp, works for me! except apple, they copied BSD :P lolllllllll
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2008, 06:05 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

Im still with sprint but no one here can deny that mogul RAM is just wayyy to low and TP is better i been with the mogul for almost 2 years and its too slow

Cant Wait To Get It In The Mail In 2 days
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 08:13 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

DONT LEAVE!!!! lol...
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 08:17 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

Originally Posted by nytsoul View Post
Honestly, you can assume all you want, but I am not the source of this handset's problems. It was a rushed, half-***** device from the beginning, running a buggy and out-dated OS. What a great combination.

It's all well and nice that I can customize and program this piece of garbage all I want, but in the end, that's all it is, a flashy piece of ****. I shouldn't have to reset a phone multiple times a day to get it to work. I'm not a fanboy, a Mac guy, or a trend follower. I just expect that when I pay over $300 for something, it should do its f^%&ing job.

Perhaps I'm not seeing it in the correct light, whatever. If you like spending your hours trying to get picture mail to work on your 10 pound, brick phone, more power to you. I'm simply fed up with it. I may not get a BB, but if I do, at least I will know that it won't freeze while it charges, that it will actually recognize letters when I type them, that it won't lag when polling the towers so much that I miss calls, etc. etc.

I honestly think you must have gotten a defective one if you had that many problems, cause that is certainly NOT the average user experience with these. Even when they first came out, back when I worked at Radio Shack, everyone that came in with one raved about how much they loved it. I couldn't afford one back then(probably cause I worked at friggin RADIO SHACK), but the demo model I played with had no issues.

Picture mail has always worked instantly & perfectly for me, I've VERY rarely had a random missed call, and mine has never frozen while charging. In fact, the mogul is one of the most stable & well-designed phones I've ever had. And I've had a LOT of phones, both smart & not. Wierd. The only times I ever have problems is if I install a piece of software that doesn't play nice, and that's not the phone's fault but the developer's.
85% of scientists are atheists. What troubles me is that there are still 15% that aren't.

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Last edited by kabuk1; 12-21-2008 at 08:20 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 08:22 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

DONT LEAVE!!!! lol...
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 08:25 PM
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Re: Goodbye Mogul

Originally Posted by GhettoBSD View Post
that's refreshing! someone being honest lol

Well i agree, and that's why i don't use wine because it fooks up too much. i don't know for certain if it's a good or bad thing, but we really need both!

So i'm happy with bsd and xp, works for me! except apple, they copied BSD :P lolllllllll
Thank you! Finally someone agrees with me. I think a lot of the linux geeks out there only use linux out of their hatred for microsoft. My ex made the switch to 100% ubuntu just so he could say he used no microsoft products. D-bag. Something about name *****s just makes my blood boil. "If its made by so & so it MUST be bad!" I don't care WHO makes it, good software is good software & dammit I LIKE windows. Unless you're a total idiot it's not that hard to keep from getting viruses & spyware. Haven't had either in years
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