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  #231 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:28 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

382 thanks does not fit the moron bill. But saying iphone cannot record video over and over and over does.LOL

I will give people that just tuned in and did not really know what happen.

I post a video link. the people that got hurt, bark and said it did not impress them.
I said it does not matter if it did not impress U. It matters to the people that thinks it's cool like for those people that do not know what the phone is about and asking the owners.
he came on defense that he impress an iphone user with a function of his phone.
I post the same function from iphone. and he is not impressed and said he will bang the iphone owners wife. every app he post, I matched it with Iphone equivalent.
he then call me a fanboy, a moron, some guy that is trying to degrade TP.
Now tell me, where is degrading the TP in there?
end of the story.
if U open ur mind and stop isolating urself with WM it will not turn out like this. Here, I will post it again. From wmexperts.com. I think like him.
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Last edited by jethro_static; 12-07-2008 at 06:41 PM.
  #232 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 06:33 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
Ok, so lets say not everyone has an unstable phone after a jailbreak. Is it worth the risk? Is it worth it for me to say, ok here's 200 bucks sprint, see ya, then turn arround and spend ANOTHER 200, then an extra 30 a month, all so i can jailbreak my phone and have it lock up on me when I'm away from a computer? It's not worth the risk.

As a phone, a stable phone, the iphone is great for someone like my mom. For me, my touch pro is better. I need complexity, I'm a geek.
Let me tell U something. The purpose of my posts is not to convince U to buy an iphone and ditch WM. The purpose of my post ever since the begginning is to show people what they do not know about the Iphone. But evertime I post something about the Iphone, people like U get hurt and feels like I am trying to say that Iphone is better. realize the topic of the thread. it may have got out of line. but is still in it's bracket. And If U do not like iphone at all because it's too expensive, say, ATT is for rich people. The device's capabilities does not have anything to do with monthly payments.

Last edited by jethro_static; 12-07-2008 at 06:43 PM.
  #233 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 07:19 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Seriously, Is there anything on ur phone that is impressive?
Lets truly recap. You posted a video of a game running on a tv, but it wasn't running well. I said it was garbage, but I'd like to see a movie or a slideshow to at least see it's capabilities.

Nobody got "hurt" and for you to say that simply reveals how big of a douche you are on the subject. You posted a video hoping that everyone would go "aww wow man, iphone rules!" because in reality, that was YOUR reaction.

You then turned the conversation into an iphone vs wm argument, and how nothing on any other phone can "impress you." I then responded with a story of how I honestly DID impress an iphone user, you replied with software someone needed to BUY to do the SAME THING, and that's when the argument went from me saying it's impractical to you calling me a WM newbie douche.

The point remains the same: Your video of tv-out was a neat find, but impractical and compared to the TP's video out, not impressive. Not a reason to rush to the iphone, especially when the cables cost twice as much as the TP's and require a proprietary chip from apple to function.

I'll say what I said once already, games on phones are good when you're taking a dump.
  #234 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 07:41 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
Lets truly recap. You posted a video of a game running on a tv, but it wasn't running well. I said it was garbage, but I'd like to see a movie or a slideshow to at least see it's capabilities.

Nobody got "hurt" and for you to say that simply reveals how big of a douche you are on the subject. You posted a video hoping that everyone would go "aww wow man, iphone rules!" because in reality, that was YOUR reaction.

You then turned the conversation into an iphone vs wm argument, and how nothing on any other phone can "impress you." I then responded with a story of how I honestly DID impress an iphone user, you replied with software someone needed to BUY to do the SAME THING, and that's when the argument went from me saying it's impractical to you calling me a WM newbie douche.

The point remains the same: Your video of tv-out was a neat find, but impractical and compared to the TP's video out, not impressive. Not a reason to rush to the iphone, especially when the cables cost twice as much as the TP's and require a proprietary chip from apple to function.

I'll say what I said once already, games on phones are good when you're taking a dump.
HAHAHA is all I can say. I started to compare WM. U got hurt that's why U barked and say it's garbage. People that did not get hurt and did not got impressed, just moved on and post nothing. I did not hope somebody will be "ahh ohhh wowww" because this is a WM forum. Even if they got impressed, they will not say it coz they are just gonna get flamed by newbie douche like somebody I met. It's not even about WM and U brag about ur TP. If U did not get impressed means nothing can impress U. So I ask if there is something on the dudes phone that can impress me. i posted the link because when was the last time a handheld video game being outputed on a screen? Even PSP did not accomplished that. The video says that the revolution is starting. It will be on our phone in the near future. And the mod is the first effort. Like a said, (it's really hard to explain to people with difficulty understanding), I post not to convince people to jump ship. It's to say how far the phone went since the day it came out. So that people that is thinking what iphone is all about can go here. I gotta say, U burying urself deeper and deeper to ignorance. Sorry but it's the truth. How long U have a WM phone? The only WM user I know that acts like U are the douche newbies. Coz They want to be credited a loyal to WM devices aside from the fact that they are new. U will mature in WM world sometime. So I will just consider U just a newbie that has difficulty understanding other people and do not know how to have a conversation bcoz ur new.

Last edited by jethro_static; 12-07-2008 at 07:46 PM.
  #235 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 07:58 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

chronster, Im done with U. U don't really matter wether it's iphone or WM community coz U don't really have anything to contribute on either side. So just get ur protective suit coz U will just be hurt everytime I post a link about the Iphone. Trust me, a lot more coming about the development which the thread is all about. The title says iphone owners. So I feel I am being ask. Just sit there and enjoy the ride.
  #236 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 08:00 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

You really do have the WORST writing skills I've ever seen of anyone on any forum I've ever visited. You really do sound like a complete idiot, you know? It's hard to take you seriously when you say things like "So that people that is thinking what iphone is all about can go here." or "I gotta say, U burying urself deeper and deeper to ignorance." It's really just hilarious.

You know who acts like me? People getting sick of being told how great the iphone is. I see through it's bs, and I see through yours. You can call me a "douche newbies" all you want, but the point remains the same: I voiced an opinion, and really the only person who "got hurt and barked" was you. You kept naming app after app, and one after another I showed why they aren't as great as you make them out to be.

A year from now hopefully Apple will allow developers access to API that will truly unlock that phones potential, but at that time WM7 will be out and we don't know what that os holds.

Stop getting so upset and making such a fool out of yourself. You keep putting words in my mouth and I'm sick of it.

For the millionth time: I'm not saying the iphone sucks, just that every app you think is awesome on the iphone, exists on wm in some form, and for free. You gotta get overself, and learn to write. You go ahead and continue to post "hey look at this awesomez app i found a video of on youtube" posts, and I'll chime in whenever I want.

Last edited by chronster; 12-07-2008 at 08:02 PM.
  #237 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 08:04 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

guys lets not argue.... how about we all get a bear and ill get a fruit punch

  #238 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 08:08 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

A 13 year old is nore mature than the other dude. HAHAHA. ur fruit punch is on the house hibs K.
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  #239 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 08:13 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

thank god i am low on money... ive only got 8 bucks... my mom owes me 10 though
  #240 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 08:14 PM
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Re: Anyone have an iPhone or come from one?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
A 13 year old is nore mature than the other dude. HAHAHA. ur fruit punch is on the house hibs K.
Yeah a 13 year old is nore mature than me, and you write worse than one.
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