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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 05:41 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond vs. Touch vs. Samsung Instinct for Older Person

Originally Posted by drexappeal View Post
OMG...Don't even get me started on when I bought her a laptop. Just to give you an example, this was one of her questions regarding her AOL account, "How come I can't find my AOL email?"

My response..."Mom, you have to open Internet Explorer and type the website in www.aol.com."

My Mom's response..."What is Internet Explorer?"

Even though I've explained the difference between a "web browser" and a "program" to her over and over again AND wrote down the definitions, it still hasn't sunk in for her. Although, I really can't blame her because considering her age (70), I'm just glad that she is still completely functional on her own and still interested in learning about "new things."
haha that's too funny, based on the situation the instinct gets my vote... only geeks need the bleeding edge sweetness that brings us all to sites like these day after day...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 05:58 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond vs. Touch vs. Samsung Instinct for Older Person

Originally Posted by nautica2450 View Post
haha that's too funny, based on the situation the instinct gets my vote... only geeks need the bleeding edge sweetness that brings us all to sites like these day after day...
hahaha...very true. Yeah, I can't help but laugh when my Mom asks me stuff like this because if I reacted any differently, I'd probably get too frustrated.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 02:43 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond vs. Touch vs. Samsung Instinct for Older Person

Just a warning, I've been having horrible success with data on the instinct. As a phone its great. But they've already switched out my phone once (8 days now) and the data still is not working after multiple calls to CS. The last rep told me they are having a "lot of bugs with the instinct data system" and suggested I return it

I'm returning it and gonna wait for the Pro on 10/19. But thats not for your mom
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