suggestions needed - keep HTC touch or trade for Mogul /Q9C/Centro
I have a predicament. When the palm centro first came out on sprint I upgraded and used it for several months. I had a "phone itch" and found myself trading it for a HTC Touch from a guy on craigslist. Initally I hated the phone, then discovered all the cool stuff it could do, found a better keyboard, etc. However, I like to send a lot of email/sms and I hate the onscreen touch keyboard. I'm trying to get used to the PCM keyboard with a iPhone skin, however it's still much slower than my blackberry or my wife's Q9C. Regardless, I recently bricked my phone on a botched flash so I utilized my total equipment proteciton and had sprint swap it out for a brand new in the box touch. I am now considering trading this for a Motorola Q9C, a Palm Centro, or even a HTC Mogul - something with a keyboard. I briefly had a mogul before I bought the centro and I kept getting out of memory errors when opening the camera. Is this still a problem with the new ROM? I love the Q9c - especially since the 6.1 flash with threaded sms. And on the centro, I have no complaints, loved sms, hated the fact that it's not multitasking.
What would you guys do? Is there a better skin for the PCM Keyboard or maybe a better keyboard? I tried the touch diamond but it felt like my device slowed to a crawl when using it.