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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: the new instint

Moved to the basement.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: the new instint

shh. i'm not supposed to be laughing! this is work time!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 09:54 PM
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Re: the new instint

Well I'm kinda worried.... I just got the Mogul and it is over the returning time and I'm sort-of having 2nd thoughts.... The Instinct comes with every feature that I want for my Mogul and more without even having to download it and more. Like it has visual voicemail, which is really only on the iPhone now (of course there are those things that forward it, but thats just not the same). The only two things that I see the Mogul better at than the Instinct is better internet (since it isnt windows mobile it cant have downloaded browsers and the browser on it doesnt look that good) and no qwerty keyboard.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 10:32 PM
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Re: the new instint

Yea but its also locked down meaning you can't install 3rd party apps like you can on Windows mobile. And I'm sure we'll get visual voicemail eventually
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 10:34 PM
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Re: the new instint

Originally Posted by ajones7279 View Post
Yea but its also locked down meaning you can't install 3rd party apps like you can on Windows mobile. And I'm sure we'll get visual voicemail eventually
I'm sure when WiMax comes out, Sprint will add a video-calling service and video voicemail.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 10:43 PM
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Re: the new instint

Originally Posted by ajones7279 View Post
Yea but its also locked down meaning you can't install 3rd party apps like you can on Windows mobile. And I'm sure we'll get visual voicemail eventually
With their track record for WM phones they'll likely support it on freebie phones long before WM phones.
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 11:01 PM
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Re: the new instint

Yo, Don't compare these 2 devices. It is not on the same level. It is like comparing a laptop and a speak and spell. touch=laptop instinct=speak and spell. touch is like a smartphone on steroid and instinct is like smarthphone on crack. Yah digg?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2008, 12:34 AM
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Re: the new instint

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Yo, Don't compare these 2 devices. It is not on the same level. It is like comparing a laptop and a speak and spell. touch=laptop instinct=speak and spell. touch is like a smartphone on steroid and instinct is like smarthphone on crack. Yah digg?
i can only agree to a point. it's like what everyone is saying, it all depends on your preferences. i love my touch, but i'm finding that i'm getting to the point where i am hella annoyed with windows mobile. i mean sometimes i dont receive calls and stuff like that. i'm getting to the point that i want a phone thas gonna do errything that i want it to do and looks clean at the same time. plus from what i seen about the instinct it is hella appealing. plus from what i have been hearing is that sprint will allow support from developers, hopefully this will mean it will allow some customization. that being said, i will not know until the phone comes out if i would buy it, and i damn sure wont be giving up my touch though.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2008, 12:42 AM
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Re: the new instint

Originally Posted by lilivo View Post
i can only agree to a point. it's like what everyone is saying, it all depends on your preferences. i love my touch, but i'm finding that i'm getting to the point where i am hella annoyed with windows mobile. i mean sometimes i dont receive calls and stuff like that. i'm getting to the point that i want a phone thas gonna do errything that i want it to do and looks clean at the same time. plus from what i seen about the instinct it is hella appealing. plus from what i have been hearing is that sprint will allow support from developers, hopefully this will mean it will allow some customization. that being said, i will not know until the phone comes out if i would buy it, and i damn sure wont be giving up my touch though.
Oh yeah. Your right but you see, if you have a higher technological intellect, You wont be satisfied with just using a phone that has everything on it already. It's more satisfying if you put what is missing yourself. It is more exciting if you make the device your own. Unique. Doesn't look like anyone else by customizing it. If your just a regular dude that just want an appealing, reliable phone, Well instinct is waiting for you mah friend.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2008, 06:10 PM
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Re: the new instint

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Oh yeah. Your right but you see, if you have a higher technological intellect, You wont be satisfied with just using a phone that has everything on it already. It's more satisfying if you put what is missing yourself. It is more exciting if you make the device your own. Unique. Doesn't look like anyone else by customizing it. If your just a regular dude that just want an appealing, reliable phone, Well instinct is waiting for you mah friend.
again i say that i feel u, i'm not claiming to be one of the "geeks" on here but i do know a lil bit about a lil bit, and i do pretty well with technology, but i still get mad when i need to answer a call and my phone freezes up, and regardless how technologically inclined you are, with windows mobile you have either had one of these problems, sleep issues, phone wont respond, wont answer calls, activesync problems, and though they can be fixed, these are issues that a great phone should not have... like i said though, i love my touch, but the ui gets on my nerves a lot. i love customizing, flashing roms, and making it my own. but i'm starting to feel like at what expense should i be able to do this? i just graduated college so in my job now, receiving my emails on time is very important, and with the rom i have just flashed to i havent found a fix for receiving them. this of course is my problem, yet it's just one of the things that i have to deal with....lol.. damn it seems as if i hate this phone when i read what i wrote, but i'm just a person that wants everything perfect and unfortunately this isnt a perfect world. if i get the instinct i will be giving up a lot. this i know. so... my solution... GET BOTH..lol.. best of both worlds
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