Sprint Instinct - Now is Good (iPhone vs Instinct)
Well, funny PR bit from Sprint pitting their new Instinct against the iPhone..
http://www.nowisgood.com/?id9=email_...aunch_instinct |
Re: Sprint Instinct - Now is Good (iPhone vs Instinct)
look, the iphone isnt nothing special.. and the instinct wont even compare to the iphone, so that tells you a lot right there.. as a matter of fact, why dont all the iphone lovers here tell me what is so awesome about it so we can settle this right now, i wanna know all the great features on the iphone that has win mobile beat... safari is like the ONLY thing it has goin for it, and even still skyfire is sticking the dagger in that theory
i hate idiots... seriously
samsung 640A --> motorola Q --> sprint touch --> now doin it big with the touch pro... oh so sexy lol |
Re: Sprint Instinct - Now is Good (iPhone vs Instinct)
scratch that, i jus saw the video in the link, lmao.. but even still that proves my point even more so on how the iphone isnt all that great for real anyway..
Re: Sprint Instinct - Now is Good (iPhone vs Instinct)
Moved to the basement!
late, Coz
"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
Re: Sprint Instinct - Now is Good (iPhone vs Instinct)
I wont say that it sucks. But we keep comparing the iphone to windows mobile, and they are aimed at two completely different crowds.... What the iphone does, it does it damn well...but for us "power geeks" it just aint enough... For a first gen iphone, it did alot of things right, but also ALOT of things wrong..i think the iphone is decent(you have to see one forreal to appeciate how gorgeous the screen is compared to qvga), it has has a thing or two to learn from winmo, and vice versa...and thats why u see HTC steppin there game up(VGA, low level camera "accelerometer," etc..) as far as the Instinct vs Iphone? What a crap comparison, the iphone has been out for almost a year now, i think they should be putting it up against the iphone2, since neither are out yet, and i still think that apple will smash samsung... maybe a iphone2 vs. htc diamond would be more appropriate>>??? lol (contradicting myself now...lol) Blue you do have alot of good points though, u know i stand behind you on most of them! |
Re: Sprint Instinct - Now is Good (iPhone vs Instinct)
1. it is super small.. super sexy.. (if you havente seen one in person go look at one) 2. the screen on it is amazing.. 3. you tilt the phone.. it rotates.. (yes its coming in the diamond and new raphiel but its still cool) 4. its easy to use. (rember the common denominator) the iphone was designed in the same way that the ipod was created and even though its sexy.. and looks nice.. its still a gold plated turd.. apple has corned the market on smart looking devices from their desktops/laptops to the iphone.. yes there are better devices out there.. and eaiser devices (dont get me started on PMP's) the iphone did a lot of things right... they just went with the wrong carrier.. with the wrong technologly.. (wich will change when they release a cdma/G3 version) and people like us expect more from their devices than was delivered.. I for one dont want to spend half of my life converting files for use when other devics will read divx and mp3 native with out any re encoding. also the iphone is what pushed the technologly forward to get other companies to relelse new and inovative (or not so inovative) technolgies that we are starting to see now in the "Iphone Killers" so for that.. I thank apple.. and the iphone... |
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