Re: Sick of the Iphone Foolishness
Many post like yours out there. Ha
I'm guilty of starting one moths ago also. iPhone crap comes in waves.For a while you wont see anything then bang we're flooded with "how can I make my phone look like a iPhone". I always answer with "Buy a iPhone".
Went back to a BlackBerry..................
Re: Sick of the Iphone Foolishness
i actually prefer the iphone look on my phone, but cant afford to not have winmo functionality. So torx's theme+wm6.1 is pure bliss. im actually sick of all the threads also, and the how to i get the gps threads.
Re: Sick of the Iphone Foolishness
People want to get an interface similar to the iPhone be cause it works great. It is simple and easy to use with your fingers. Putting a similar interface on a PPC gives you the functionality of the iPhone with the flexability of a PPC.
My wife has an iPhone and I have an Apache running WM6.1. I love my PPC, but the iPhone interface is SO nice. I really like it. Maybe the iPhone SDK will help with the lack of flexibility. iPhone isn't a bad phone, it is a DIFFERENT phone.
Re: Sick of the Iphone Foolishness
Re: Sick of the Iphone Foolishness
Tired of "how to make GPS work" threads too. Everyone has problem with GPS makes a new thread. Just join the existing thread!!!
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