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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2011, 06:21 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
It is LP DDR2..but yes its slow and its single channel in the Evo 3D..the ram bandwidth in the photon and sgs2 is around 2x faster...
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Tegra 2 chipset? I'm pro AMD/ATI (due to cost/performance ratio) but I do like nvidia. I actually haven't played with the Photon yet and I'm itching to just to see what people are talking about that Pentile screen. I have 3 weeks to decide and I love the Evo line but I'm not sure if I like it's wonky radios. Also, I just don't see the support with the photon as I do with the 3d.
Just Brilliant, Quietly....

Last edited by gator352; 08-06-2011 at 06:23 PM.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 12:57 AM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Sprint HTC EVO 3D (HTC Shooter) Detailed Specs | Technical Specifications | PDAdb.net - Smartphone, Tablet, Netbook, PDA, PNA & Mobile Device Specifications Database

The tech specs on this site seem to show the Evo 3d with LPDDR2 SDRAM. I suppose it could be wrong but I am thinking that both the Photon and the Evo 3d have the same type of RAM.

The Dark One
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 01:48 AM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Tegra 2 chipset? I'm pro AMD/ATI (due to cost/performance ratio) but I do like nvidia. I actually haven't played with the Photon yet and I'm itching to just to see what people are talking about that Pentile screen. I have 3 weeks to decide and I love the Evo line but I'm not sure if I like it's wonky radios. Also, I just don't see the support with the photon as I do with the 3d.
I use both Nvidia and AMD/ATI..but I don't trust Nvidia for laptops..after what they pulled with the defective chip-sets a few years ago..I still use them for graphic cards sometimes

The chipset has to do with the memory bandwidth yes:

Evo 3D:
Single-channel 333 MHz ISM/266 MHz LPDDR2


Motorola Photon 4g:
Single-channel LPDDR2 600 MHz or DDR2 667 MHz

Nvidia Tegra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Galaxy S2

I do not see any information other then it being dual channel and LP DDR2..considering its 6.4gbps memory bandwidth which is same as the latest OMAP would mean its something like this:

Dual-channel LPDDR2 400 MHZ(800mhz but slightly higher latency)


I suggest to wait out your 30 days and see whats up in the end, swap in 30 days IF you don't like it still and see if sprint can extend your 30 days...(aka give back and then get new phone being the photon)...then within the 30 days you can choose to keep the Photon, go back to Evo 3d or get the SGS2...
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Last edited by gTen; 08-07-2011 at 01:51 AM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 05:58 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

I went to a Sprint store to check it out and decided right then to switch. I probably would have waited but the guy said "here", "try mine out!" So I took him up on his offer and I never looked back. I called the wife and she litterally was like OMG! I can hear you perfectly! At this store in Clermont, Florida, well same general area, my E3D would fluctuate between 2 bars and roaming. The Photon had 5 bars constantly. This tells me that the radio in the 3D needs work. While I was there, we did side by side DL comparisons of the same app....angry birds...and the Photon beat it by 3 minutes, and this was just 3G.

I talked to the guy for a while and he said this: WHen you upgrade and get a new phone, you have 30 days, even if you swap it out for another device. You don't get 30 days per device. Even still, he said that since I've traded only 3 times total, I've reached my limit on trades. If the device is defective, than I can trade and get a new one as many times as I like....for the same device. I think this is BS though but it is consistant with a rep I talked to awhile ago.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 06:16 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

so why is this not in the phone comparison thread?? sense thats what its turned in to..

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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 09:30 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

I agree Karl. Thread moved. Thanks.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2011, 11:45 AM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

After reading this thread, I just have to say this:

Anyone who laughs at the fact that the Photon 4G requires the HD dock to root, I can bet you, I can obtain root on the Photon 4G faster than you can an Evo3D (just as long as it's during sprint store hours). Any Photon owner can literally walk into a Sprint store, plug in their Photon 4G for testing purposes (just say you want to see how it works and if you like it or not to buy), and download the files you need via webtop in a minute and walk out root capable.

This is especially true for anyone who hasn't really delved into android and is afraid of breaking something. You literally type like 3-4 lines.

People who make out the Photon 4G root process as complicated don't understand how truly easy it is to root.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2011, 05:16 AM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by Clipp View Post
Just wondering... I know some are already beyond their 30 days, but for those who aren't or willing to sell.... after having ample time with the EVO 3D, are you sticking with it or jumping to the newly released Motorola Photon 4G. Why or why not?

I suspect most who disinterested in the E3D will end up waiting it out for the Sprint Galaxy S II . But I'm interested to hear from those who at least thought about getting the Photon.
You must be high as a kite. Smoke a giant bowl of crack? you are freeken looney the specs on the photon blow! lol

is it even 3d? no 3d is not a gimmick
Thank you!
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2011, 06:55 AM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by acts View Post
After reading this thread, I just have to say this:

Anyone who laughs at the fact that the Photon 4G requires the HD dock to root, I can bet you, I can obtain root on the Photon 4G faster than you can an Evo3D (just as long as it's during sprint store hours). Any Photon owner can literally walk into a Sprint store, plug in their Photon 4G for testing purposes (just say you want to see how it works and if you like it or not to buy), and download the files you need via webtop in a minute and walk out root capable.

This is especially true for anyone who hasn't really delved into android and is afraid of breaking something. You literally type like 3-4 lines.

People who make out the Photon 4G root process as complicated don't understand how truly easy it is to root.
so post the photon unlocker and charge a buck.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2011, 09:06 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

the galaxy s 2 will blow both the photon & evo3d away.

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