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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2011, 11:52 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
I returned mine after 2 weeks, give or take. Just gonna wait it out for the SGS2 as well.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 11:31 AM
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No way!

From the looks of things HTC is number one overall when it comes to developing and supporting Android smartphones. I put Samsung at number 2 and then Motorola at a distant third. Samsung makes the best screens for the Galaxy's but that's about it. HTC has more frequent updates and the phones just seem to operate better. I know so many people with various Samsung and Motorola Android devices that just aren't as satisfied as people I know with HTC Android phones. For example, the EVO came out way before the Galaxy S phones for the 4 major carriers and they are still running 2.1 or 2.2 and the ATT Samsung Captivate can't even get the Froyo update OTA. The Evo is on its second version of 2.3. Just my 2 cents.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 01:51 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by AB33 View Post
No way!

From the looks of things HTC is number one overall when it comes to developing and supporting Android smartphones. I put Samsung at number 2 and then Motorola at a distant third. Samsung makes the best screens for the Galaxy's but that's about it. HTC has more frequent updates and the phones just seem to operate better. I know so many people with various Samsung and Motorola Android devices that just aren't as satisfied as people I know with HTC Android phones. For example, the EVO came out way before the Galaxy S phones for the 4 major carriers and they are still running 2.1 or 2.2 and the ATT Samsung Captivate can't even get the Froyo update OTA. The Evo is on its second version of 2.3. Just my 2 cents.

Sent from my Evo3D on the PPCGeeks App
Phone updates has more to do with the carriers rather then the manufacturers..the international SGS had alread like 10 updates because the updates come directly from Samsung. International version had 2.3 a month or 2 before the evo...on carriers I'll tell you Samsung sends a new beta to Sprint every single week to test..we already have like 6 beta leaks of 2.3...latest one being 2.3.4..

As for Motorola, Motorola got GB on Droid X even before the evo did. Out of all the manufacturers motorola probably has the longest update history for Android..the original Motorola Droid for example is the only Android phone that was supported for 2 years with updates...

Most people's satisfaction depends on their comfort zone..aka when you get used to something and end up switching...the moment issues happen you begin to regret switching without realizing that you weren't any better off before...its a psychological thing to change...
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 04:09 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
In 3D??

Besides, from the look of the Photon 4G forums with it's huge database of users (rolls eyes), this isn't even a fight. This is a pummeling of EPIC proportions. But to thier defense, I think all 5 owners are happy.
as i sit looking at my e4g...trying to decide if i want to give it up....
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 05:29 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

I think Sprint users have more loyalty towards HTC phones than users on other carriers. We've been using HTC phones on multiple platforms for years and during that time other options were scarce. Hell, even today, their only Windows Phone 7 is made by HTC. Last year, Samsung entered the picture and I remember how much hate there was towards them. That hate dwindled and turned to acceptance once the Epic got rave reviews though. And now we got the Galaxy S II coming and we know that will be a hit...

Anyway, there's never been a high-end Android by Motorola on Sprint, so it's not surprising that people aren't jumping all over it I guess. Doesn't really help that the Photon doesn't offer anything new either. They should have at least made it thin...

I'm wondering if the Photon would be as unpopular had these phones (EVO 3D, Photon 4G) been released on Verizon.... that carrier is in love with Motorola and their customers seem to love them too.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 06:05 PM
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All I know is that the photon is a great looking phone and it's gotten some great reviews. If I had to give up my 3d, it would be for the photon. Although the sgs2 is on it's way to sprint too. It's great to be a sprint customer. Especially with the announcement of lte and possible expansion of wimax till lte on sprint is ready.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 06:13 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
All I know is that the photon is a great looking phone and it's gotten some great reviews. If I had to give up my 3d, it would be for the photon. Although the sgs2 is on it's way to sprint too. It's great to be a sprint customer. Especially with the announcement of lte and possible expansion of wimax till lte on sprint is ready.

Sent from my EVO 3D using PPCGEEKS Android App
By the sound of the last article:

PPCGeeks.com ยป Clearwire Adding 120Mbps “LTE-Advanced” to it’s Holdings

There is gonna be no more wimax build out..they gonan be building out LTE 2 instead :/
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 07:58 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Put it like this, there was a training where i could have gotten 1 for free, but my manager wanted me to return my 3D.....I said "no thanks, I justt got rid of my Evo, I'm not going back to Motorolas version of it"
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2011, 04:29 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Switched from the Evo 3D to the Photon for a week. I ran back into the store begging them to take the Photon back with tears in my eyes. Fortunately, Best Buy gives you 30-days to return it. First of all, this is the first Android phone that I've actually had the voice dial work about 99% of the time (the 3D, not the Photon). Secondly, HTC Sense UI is so much better than Motorola's Blur's ugly, stoic interface. If you care, the Photon takes better pictures, and I do believe that the Photon fits into the same dock as the Atrix, so you can have that neat little dock that turns it into a laptop. The Photon also has the potential to be International as well.

That being said, the Photon is notably slower than the Evo 3D. That might be due to the slower 1GHz dual-core Tegra in the Photon vs. the 1.2GHz Snapdragon in the Evo. It's still not slow by any means, but the Evo 3D is a whole lot more fluid than the Photon. You also cannot root the Photon (yet), and may never be able to if Motorola gets its way. The Evo is world more flexible than the Photon in this aspect.

Phone calls are notably better on the Photon, but the speakerphone on the Evo 3D is WAY better. The Photon also gets better reception on the Evo 3D (which might account for the better call quality).

The breaking point of the Photon is basically this: The interface is awful and the speed is notably slower. Did I mention the interface?
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2011, 05:04 PM
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Re: Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?

Originally Posted by stellanwick View Post
Switched from the Evo 3D to the Photon for a week. I ran back into the store begging them to take the Photon back with tears in my eyes. Fortunately, Best Buy gives you 30-days to return it. First of all, this is the first Android phone that I've actually had the voice dial work about 99% of the time (the 3D, not the Photon). Secondly, HTC Sense UI is so much better than Motorola's Blur's ugly, stoic interface. If you care, the Photon takes better pictures, and I do believe that the Photon fits into the same dock as the Atrix, so you can have that neat little dock that turns it into a laptop. The Photon also has the potential to be International as well.

That being said, the Photon is notably slower than the Evo 3D. That might be due to the slower 1GHz dual-core Tegra in the Photon vs. the 1.2GHz Snapdragon in the Evo. It's still not slow by any means, but the Evo 3D is a whole lot more fluid than the Photon. You also cannot root the Photon (yet), and may never be able to if Motorola gets its way. The Evo is world more flexible than the Photon in this aspect.

Phone calls are notably better on the Photon, but the speakerphone on the Evo 3D is WAY better. The Photon also gets better reception on the Evo 3D (which might account for the better call quality).

The breaking point of the Photon is basically this: The interface is awful and the speed is notably slower. Did I mention the interface?
So tell us, how does the interface compare? lol

Nah, I thought about it because to me, the camera on the E3d really blows. May not matter to some, but I take a lot of pics of my kid so I need a decent camera phone. But I just doen't have faith in Motorola products, not to mention I'd have to pay $150 for the thing, since I traded in my Evo to get the 3d. Now once that SGIIS drops, I may be jumping ship.
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